Reuniting- Freya

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Prompt: Every 100 years Freya wakes up. She meets y/n in 1512. Y/n turns into a vampire, and they reunite in 2013. 

I strolled down the French Quarter streets. 

"You know you shouldn't be alone at night." A voice rang out behind me. Instinctively, I grabbed their arm and slammed their body on the pavement. 

"I think I'll be fine." The second I saw their face I froze. It was Elijah. 

"God, Lijah. I could've hurt you."

"The only thing that got hurt is my dignity." I chuckled. He could always make me laugh. I grabbed his hand, and the next thing I knew I was on the pavement. Elijah was hovering over me. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off me. He grinned. 

We arrived at the compound in seconds. 

"I should tell you something. My long-lost sister is in there."


"So be nice, y/n."

"Yes, sir." My mocking tone went right past him. 

I strolled into the building, and my heart stoped when I saw who Elijah's sister was. The last time I saw her was 500 years ago. I turned back around.

"She's your sister!"

"Yeah, Freya's my sister." I slapped him across the face. He knew and he didn't tell me. 

"I found out a week ago. When Freya and Rebekah escaped the place they were imprisoned." 

"Where is Bekah?" 

"I'm right here, y/n." I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into the tightest hug I had ever given in my life. 

"I'm so glad you're alive and okay." I whispered in her ear. 

I turned my attention back to Freya. She looked so happy. And I was about to ruin it. I slowly made my way towards her. Good thing her back was to me. I looked back at Elijah, and he nodded. I quickly tapped her shoulder. She spun around, our eyes locking since 1513. She stood up, took my face in her hands, and kissed me passionately. My whole body melted as I put my hands around her waist, deepening the kiss. 

"God. I was afraid I'd never see you again."

"And I you. But I thought you would be mad at me."

"I could never be mad at you, y/n. I love you. I always will." Tears sprang up in her eyes, forcing me to cry as well. I pulled her into a hug. 

"I have never stopped loving you, Frey. I will always love you. Always and forever." 

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