Familiar People

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Last Update: 08/22/2022:

I have finally graduated from college and am attempting to revisit my profile and old stories. After focusing on this story again, I realized that the old me heavily influenced this writing. There are a lot of parts that I am not proud of and have grown and learned from. There are themes in this story that can be triggering and indicative of deeper meanings for myself and others. For that, I will not apologize, but I will warn.

This story is dear to me, even with all its. . . shadows. I accept that as a part of me now.

I heard a quote recently that went somewhat like this: healing isn't always about finding your "better self" or reaching a "better you". It can sometimes be about accepting all that you are, including the parts you're not proud of.

I'm not sure whose words those are, but they sit with me sometimes and help me find comfort in grounding myself in who I am authentically. For that, I am urged to share those words with you in the hopes that you go into this story remembering that there is a human behind this keyboard and a demon behind the mask - a demon that makes up all that is human of me.

Enjoy :)

Artist of Chapter Image: Unknown

Source of Chapter Image: Pinterest

Character Origin of Chapter Image: Anime: Bakemonogatari

Disclaimer: I recognize the image to be art of a character drawn by someone else. I do not own rights to the artwork, nor do I seek to appropriate it as mine nor of my own mind. I simply include this work as reference for the likeness to my own OC of this story, since I do not currently have the skills to draw them myself nor the means to commission. Thank you :)

Star's P.O.V:

I need a break... There will be no people left in this city if I don't leave... Haha, I'm going to hell on a rocket.

"Hey there, Star!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me, snapping me from my thoughts. I looked up to see Rin, my only friend. She was running up to me, dramatically waving her arm in the air.

"Hey Rin." I said blandly. We had known each other since I started at that boarding school, and we were dorm mates. Her black hair was pulled halfway up to the side, held by a ribbon as usual. We were meeting at the doughnut shop, so we could head to our dance lessons.

"So, Star, I heard you're leaving soon?" She asked in a dismayed tone. Unlike her normal cheery demeanor and sparkling, brown eyes, her expression was distant and her eyes dull. It bothered me to see her that way as we walked down the street, my hands tucked into the pockets of my jeans, and my head down. I looked at her from the side, not moving my head, smirking.

"Yea, I'm afraid so," I said, "I need a little break, and I'm thinking of going to visit my pen pal in Tokyo." I stared off distantly. The sun was bearing down on us, and my goggled aviator hat was becoming hot and heavy on my head. A cool, but subtle, breeze blew our way almost immediately, as if to calm the heat.

"A break from what?" She asked in confusion. Her innocence was so cute and appealing to me. I had always felt the need to protect her, even though I couldn't care less about other people. I'm not normal, with misshapen ears and pointier canines than usual. I used my thick, golden hair and aviator hat to hide the ears, and there was no reason to fret about my teeth, as I never smiled anyway. My fingernails and toe nails looked like some of those fake acrylic nails, so people never bothered to look at them. They were real and sharp, though, enough to kill in one swipe.

"Well, you know I've always hated the stench and polluted air of this city, and I just need a vacay," I explained, "the only thing I'll miss is you, silly." I said, poking her nose. She was only a year younger than me, but she could be mistaken for an 11-year-old at times. I was about to end my senior year, and I promised her we would set out to the world together - that I would wait for her. She was ecstatic at my confession of missing her, and she began running around in circles with her arms out like a plane or something. I sighed and turned the corner to the doughnut shop. We ate doughnuts, had coffee, and started on our way to "L.A. Studios".


We were back in our dorm, and I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard a knock at the door. Rin bolted up to get it, but I stopped her because we had just witnessed our neighboring dorm habitants get assaulted by a notorious criminal. I bit my lip in relief when I saw it was just the house mother, sometimes called the RA. I opened the door to meet her cold gaze with my even colder gaze. She gasped.

"You could at least have the decency to dress properly." She yelled in an exasperated tone, causing my amusement to flare. I had a reputation of skipping classes, causing trouble, and most of all, annoying the house mother, but I was the lead in my classes as far as grades went. That gave her no excuse to complain, and she hated me even more for it.

I was still in my towel.

I smirked and moved aside for her to come in, then made my way to the bathroom. She began speaking to Rin about future opportunities and what not, so I took no interest. I slipped into my jeans and a tank, figuring I'd let my hair dry before putting on my hat.

"- into it and tell me what you think." I came out of the bathroom to catch the last bit of their conversation. With my sharp hearing, I could have listened to the whole thing but chose to block it out instead.

"Ok, house mother! I will!" Rin stated with enthusiasm, which caused the house mother to give one of her rare warm smiles. Rin had a knack of causing even the most cold-hearted people to soften. I crossed my arms and waited for them to finish.

"Alright, Star, I have some business for you as well." She said as she turned to me, losing her smile. I gestured for her to continue. "Anyway, the board has decided to cover the costs of your trip. Don't ask me how they decided on that, if not out of sheer luck." She said with a weary look on her face. I inwardly smirked, knowing why they had come to that decision, and it wasn't luck.

"Not surprised." I said with my signature arrogant look that irked most people. She glared at me.

"If it was up to me, you would not be here." She said, sticking her nose up at me. "You're way too lucky for your own good." She scoffed. Luck... What a pathetic excuse for jealousy. I just looked at her with no emotion. She sighed.

"I know your life hasn't been the best, and I'm truly sorry." She seemed to speak genuinely, which surprised me. The house mother being sympathetic? Is she drunk? No, she's playing at something.

"What are you playing at?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows. Her expression didn't change to anger and annoyance like usual. It changed from pity to absolute sorrow, and I knew she wasn't playing now. "You will leave tomorrow morning, so prepare your things." She began to leave. "Oh and one more thing." She motioned for me to come outside. I took the hint that she didn't want to concern Rin and followed suit.

"Because of certain past events-" she whispered and glanced at the neighbor's doors covered in yellow crime scene tape. "Rin will be transferred to another dorm, so she will not be alone. Since there are no open ones, she will dorm with me." She stated. I narrowed my eyes.

"Jaken dorms alone. Can't she just dorm with him?" I asked in irritation. A picture of the skinny, bug-eyed guy flashed through my mind.

"He has recently adopted a dog named Ah-Un off the streets, and he prefers to be alone anyway." She whispered. I remembered Rin's fear of wolves and anything else resembling one and sighed.

"Whatever." I waved my hand. "But if I come back and anything has happened. . ." I implied with a tone of warning. She nodded a knowing nod.

"I may seem cold and ignorant to you, but I can handle it." She said sternly. I silently walked back to our dorm and began packing. Night was coming soon, and I had to get away from Rin. If anything, I knew my other side would want to enjoy its last night in L.A., and I didn't want another mistake to happen like with the neighbors.

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