From L.A. to Tokyo

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TW: Mentions of un-aliving oneself and depressive thoughts in this chapter.

Artist of Chapter Image: Unknown

Source of Chapter Image: Google

Origin of Chapter Image: Unknown

Disclaimer: I recognize the image to be art of a character created by someone else. I do not own rights to the artwork, nor do I seek to appropriate it as mine nor of my own mind. I simply include this work as reference for a setting of this story, since I do not currently have the skills to draw it myself nor the means to commission. Thank you :)

Rin made sure I had every necessity imaginable before we went to the airport. On our way, we stopped at our favorite bakery to eat our favorite delicacy of all time. I hated most foods for some reason, but these made me want to live forever. We ordered two cinnamon rolls and two medium sodas. We sat at a booth, and the TV caught my attention.

ANNOUNCER: There were seven grizzly murders last night in the slum sector. It appears the notorious criminal, Nightmare, has done it again.

I sighed. Damn, I'm so low. I wish I could die, but committing suicide never worked. I can't deal with this. My first murder was. . . No I can't think of that.

"Star?" Rin's worried voice pulled me from my thoughts, and I realized I was clenching my fists.

"Oh sorry, just nervous, I guess." I said, trying to cover up my anger. I put my attention back to the TV.

ANNOUNCER: One of the murders was the well-known, well loved, Sheriff Miroku. His funeral will take place next week in the enchanting Orleans Cemetery. Anyone wanting to join- details on our website. I wish I could pay my condolences, but that's a little too rude. I already can't live with myself, and the killer going to the victim's funeral is a bit like just taunting them even more.

"Two cinnamon rolls and two medium sodas?" The waitress addressed us.

"Yea, that's us." I said, handing her a tip. She smiled and sashayed off.

>Time skip<

I hate planes. Turbulence scares the crap out of me. I looked down at my white knuckles as I squeezed the seat's handles, and a flight attendant asked me if I needed anything. Through gritted teeth, I replied with a no. Rin had cried on our little departure, but I soothed her and went on the plane. I was glad that I wouldn't be changing into the other me for another week. I only had a personality change once every Wednesday, and yesterday was Wednesday, unfortunately. As I pondered how I would deal with it, sleep took over.

We were about to land at Tokyo's airport when I was awoken from my third nap that day. Being in main cabin sucked, but I dealt with it. The only way I had gotten to even go was by threatening the board, and that's why I was amused when the house mother said it was luck. I could be scary when I wanted to be. Thankfully, I was well-versed in many languages, including Japanese. After asking practically the whole town for directions to the Higurashi shrine, I made it to a flight of endless stairs. Wow, ok I'll get there next year.

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