TechnobladexReader|Winter nights

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A/N: Hi! I'm writing this right after the last chapter. I'm feeling really good, and inspired so I'm gonna write this now. This is (Finally) The TechnobladexReader chapter (YAYYY!) I really hope you like it. Thank you all for 3k reads. I never thought I would ever get this many reads. I didn't even think I could even get 10; My writing is such shit lol. I don't get why you guys like it, but thank you all anyway. I really do appreciate it so so so much. You are the best audience I could ever ask for. You're all so nice to me. Thank you. Also, I'm sorry for not updating more. I try to update at least every week. I do have a life outside of Wattpad (Surprisingly) I have school, and I struggle with anxiety a lot, which gets me down sometimes. Okay, I'm done being cheesy, on to the chapter. P.S, a great song to listen to while reading this is 'sleep thru ur alarms' by Lontalius. Also, some background for this chapter: You are competing in the upcoming December MCC championship. You are on the Lime Llama's team with Technoblade, Wilbursoot, and Tubbo_, and you are 20 years old (one year younger than Techno) ALSOX2 another song you could to listen to while reading this is 'Roslyn' by Bon Iver slowed down of course, it doesn't really match the chapter it's just a good song lol, plus I think that song kinda fits Techno somehow, don't ask me why I think that, because I don't know either.

Your POV: It was the second to last game in MCC, and we were in second place. We were only 700 points behind the purple pandas (pandas or parrots?) That team consisted of Dream, Sapnap, and CaptainSparklz. They were all great at Minecraft. My team is great as well, I mean we have Technoblade. We were waiting to get into the voting area, were we all vote for what game we are gonna play. I watched the clock tick down. The bridge lowered and we all sprinted up it. We bickered back and forth on what game to play,

"PICK THE FUCKING PARKOUR ONE!" I screamed down my mic. I was good at parkour, no I was the MASTER when it came to parkour. Techno then yelled back in his deep, and monotone voice,

"NO, PICK THE SKYWARS ONE!" (I don't think that's what it's called but you know what I mean right?)

"I COULD KILL THEM ALL AND GET US THE WIN!" He yelled. He had a good point, he is a PVP GOD. He could easily carry us to the win.

"Fine pick that one," I responded pretending to pout.

"WOW! Looks like someone's mad, just 'cause I'm right." He said chuckling under his breath. His chuckle sent shivers down my spine. I visibly shivered, which drove my twitch chat crazy. I didn't respond to the chat, however. They had always shipped Techno and me. I never gave them the satisfaction though.

"I'm not MAD I'm ANGY!" I said speaking as a baby would.

"Now you're actin' like a little baby?" He asked playfully.

"Yeah, I am. What of it?" I retorted sassily.

"Oh, shut it, you lovebirds!" Tubbo said with a huff.

"We are NOT lovebirds," I responded quickly, "Were just friends...who happen to lowkey flirt with each other," I said mumbling the last part. We threw our chickens into the area. The one Techno wanted won the voting and he cheered loudly. I rolled my eyes at my face-cam in return. We played through the game, and just like Techno said, he carried us all the way to first place, but there was still one game left. We all voted and the worst (in most people's opinions for some reason) game won, Sands of time. I let out a slightly angry sigh. Me, Tubbo, and Techno all went searching through the 'caves' while Wilbur stayed near the sand timer.

"I FOUND BLUE VALT!" I screamed out.

"Good I have the blue key, stay right there I'll come for you!" Techno replied, which sent the chat over the edge because what he said sounded inappropriate. A light blush spread across my face as I read what chat was saying about his remark. I'm so glad my face cam's colours were slightly off because if they were correct the chat would have seen me blush. He took a couple of secondes before getting to me and said,

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