His princess

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y/l/n- Your last name

I will admit. I am in love with Draco Malfoy. Everything he does I just love. The way he walks. The way he talks. Just everything. Of course he doesn't think of me this way. I mean who would. I'm a half-blood Gryffindor. He bullied me quite often. But I always saw the good in him.

But here I am now with Hermione, Ron, and Harry, sitting in potions.

"Today we will be with partners to create a potion only doable if both students work together." After a few minutes of professor Snape calling names he called me and the golden trio. "I would like Weasley with Granger, Potter with Chang, and Malfoy with... y/l/n."

I sighed giving Mione a look of hopelessness. We all stood up grabbing our bags and rearranging ourselves. I sat down next to Draco rolling my eyes a tad but he didn't notice

"Why hello princess." He said with a smirk

Princess?! The fuck?!

"Malfoy. Let's get to work shall we?"

We turned our books to the page we needed.

"Can you pass the Ashwinder eggs please?"

"Anything for you Love." he said slowly passing them.

I did most of the potion because Draco was busy in his own world. I know this because he would not stop staring into space. directly towards me.

"What are you staring at Malfoy?"

"You Princess." He said grabbing my inner thigh.

"Me? Me?! Why me? I'm nothing to look at Malfoy. Go stare at Pansy or something". I slapped his hand away.

"Eww pansy?! I'm good. I'm staring at you because your gorgeous."

He was going really fast with the nicknames and the touching. I was surprised not knowing where it was going. Nobody knew about my massive crush on Draco except for Hermione. I mean I really did trust her with everything.

I sat there in shock not know what to say. He took his hand off my thigh and put his face in his hands

"I know I'm going too fast. I'll explain everything later." He said seeming pretty nervous.

"Alright, enough for today. Class dismissed." Snape said in his usual monotone voice.

Thank god potions was my last class of the day

"Meet me at the Slytherin common room at 7:30. Skip dinner. Can you do that for me Love?" He said with his classic smirk

"I- um yeah sure."

He kissed my forehead and walked away

So many thought were racing through my head. I got up to my dorm, took a shower and put on some lingerie I had. I mean you never know what could happen. I found a matching pair of red lace underwear and a bra. Hoping it wasn't too much. I put on a grey hoodie and a pair of leggings. I brushed through my wet hair fixing it just a tad. Curled my lashes and put on some chapstick.

I pranced to the common room. I didn't know the password but luckily Draco came around the corner scaring the absolute hell out of me.

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