Hanging out with america

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(Play the music if you wanna play it)

Y/n's POV:Today me and ame-san where going to hangout. "Doll over here!" I turned around to see Ame-San "Hello Ame-san!"I ran to hims and hugged him which made us fall.

We started to laugh and Ame-San helped me up,we where walking around and I saw a teddy bear panda! Ame-san must have saw my eyes because he played the game for me. Oh did I mention that we where at a theme park?

America' POV: Y/n seemed to be happy when I won the panda bear. "谢谢阿梅先生!" (You said thank you Ame-San! Also Google translate so please call me out on my bluff because I don't speak Chinese I'm fucking stupid like that) "heh no problem doll" we went to different games. "Food time!" "Heck yeah!" I got a hamburger while my doll got her favorite food from her country,she looks so cute~

Time skip to where you two went home

America's POV: I can't stop thinking of my doll~ I just wanna hold her in my arms~ She is only my MY doll no one else can have her,if it means I have to kill I don't mind doing so.

(Sorry this was short I didn't have much ideas for this chapter but hopefully it was good enough)

Yandere!hetalia x female China readerWhere stories live. Discover now