Sleepover with France

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(IT IS A KID FRIENDLY SLEEPOVER!! Plus you are hanging out with someone in the bad touch trio)

No ones POV: Y/n was in her reading some bullshit/drama going on twitter because drama is the best shit to read. (I am showing how they look because why not? Here is what it looked like)

 (I am showing how they look because why not? Here is what it looked like)

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Just then their was a door knock. Who the hell is interrupting her reading of some bitch getting roasted!? "COMING!!" Y/n opened the door to see Francisco "finally you got here! Got you butt in!" Francisc laughed at Y/n's actions but listen. When he remembered he needed to change he notice Y/n's clothes and a huge blush came on his face "P-panda May I go change?" "Of course France,you are always more then welcome to aru! I'll get the movies,popcorns,games,and snacks. Aru!" Francisco just nodded his head ok then left.

France's POV: She is so cute in those clothes!!! I can't wait to make her mine~ I just need to be patient with her. "YOU DONE!?" "YEAH!" I ran out and she put on the movie.

Time skip

No ones POV: Y/n was asleep but she was on france's chest. France was blushing like a mad man! He was also smiling,he was rubbing her back while slowly falling asleep. He will try to make Y/n his lover. He won't lose to anyone,he'll count on it!

(Sorry if this was a bit short I just didn't have much ideas for this but if you have any countries I should do please vote because I'm fucking stupid)

Yandere!hetalia x female China readerWhere stories live. Discover now