Whoa. That Happened.

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Marinette's POV

It was a normal, horrible, morning: Lila wouldn't shut her mouth or say a single word of truth, Adrian was missing for the fist two classes, There was an akuma in third period, and Alya had fawned over Lila's stories and how popular her blog is because of her the whole rest of the time. I was so happy to go back to the bakery at lunch that I didn't even stop when Adrian called after me on my way out the hallway. I did, however, stop when he grabbed my wrist right outside the door.


"Sorry! I just wanted to make sure you're ok. I don't think this high road is going to work. She is just too good a fox." 

Oh I could get used to this. I can't believe it right now. I am walking home with Adrian Agreste! And he's admitting to being an idiot and is probably going to help me expose her!

"Earth to Marinette?"

"Oh sorry! I spaced out thinking of ways you could help me take her down!" It scares me how easily I lie now-a-days, but at least I do it for a good cause. Like not revealing that I have the biggest crush ever on my crush.

"Oh no no no no. I can't help you. My father'd kill me, but I wont stop you, nor get in your way. I will help as secretly as I can. I can not get caught though!"

"Oh. That's cool. At least we can talk and hang out more often right?"

"I'd love to Mari. I really would, but I am so busy working for my father, and add Lila clinging to me worse than Chloe, and I'm trapped between a rock and a hard place. You can tell me anything though. I'm all ears. I really want to help you. I couldn't imagine she would actually go as far as to get you expelled! I had to sell my soul to that demon to get you back in!"

"Wait, wait, wait. Back it up. You got Lila to backtrack her claim?" 

"Of course." 

"For me?"  I sounded slightly more hopeful and pathetic than I would have liked.

"Why wouldn't I Marinette? Your one of my best friends and I can't stand to see you hurt. Our everyday Ladybug. Always saving us. I had to save you for a change. Besides I have to repay you for that time the paparazzi chased us all threw Paris. I can be the Cat Noir to your Ladybug from now on. You put together all the plans and I'll distract her. We can lean on each other. Would you be good with that?"

"On one condition." I say as we reach the door.

"What?" he sounds so excited it's funny.

"You can't pun as bad as he does."

"Your wish is my command, princes-s." ERROR! ERROR! Marinette has died and needs rebooting. Will be with you soon, please wait. 

...................................................skip to after lunch and a rebooted Marinette...................................

Oh my gosh! I still can't get over it! He kissed me! Well on the hand.....but still. I am on cloud 9. Or higher I don't know. I do know that lunch passed in a blur. I am now at school, early for once. I don't even have to listen to Lila for the moment because she is taking so long. Uggg think of the devil and here she is.

"Hi everyone!" the fox says, covering her neck?

"Oh, Lila, what's wrong?" Rose says noticing it immediately.

"Oh nothing." she says "shyly" before heading up to her seat. She was immediately crowded by all the girls besides Chloe and I. Adrien was there glancing up at them, rolling his eyes, before smiling at me. I am so not going to survive today.

"Lila, girl I'm so proud! Who was it! Oh tell me, tell me, tell me." Alya's too loud voice came from behind me. Nathaniel looked skeptically at her so I knew this was worth listening into, especially with what the demon said next.

"Adrien." she says as if she's embarrassed. What caught my attention was the blue and red mark on her neck that appeared to be badly representing a hickey. I looked at Adrien who looked shocked as he stood up sharply and stormed up the stairs.

"What is this? Amateur hour? Like you gotta be kidding me. This doesn't even look like what it's supposed to. It's not even water proof. And your hair, it's not even slightly messed up. You have got to be kidding. You could have at least put a little effort into making it believable. Chloe!" Adrien didn't even seem to register all the shocked faces or that he was supposedly responsible. Just that she needs to do better as this sucks. Wow. So much for not doing anything.

"Yes Adrikins?"

"I'm thinking 88?"

"Do I look 5 years old to you?"

"Wait what are you talking about?" Lila says so pathetically it's actually funny.


"Then I say all out x's."

"Ooh yes! Chloe your a genius!" I wouldn't go that far. He looked like he was restraining jumping up and down.

"Glad you noticed, Adrian, but I always am."  Uggg, and I thought she was getting better.

"LLL five minutes you get the supplies I'll get the Lila." and he promptly picked Lila up who was voicing her complaints and concerns quite loudly.

The blonds left the classroom behind with the thrashing brunette in top. I couldn't help laughing at this point. They all were still in shock but Max was googling something and Nathaniel just went back to drawing. Every one snapped out of it at my laughter.

"Before you blame Marinette," Max called standing up walking towards me. "I'd like to apologize for no believing you an letting her have her way for so long. I know now that everything that came out of her mouth was a lie and could have easily been proven wrong with a simple google search. I am deeply ashamed I did not catch her blatantly obvious lies the second they left her mouth. If you will please forgive me. I am willing to wait and earn your trust back but I would wish to be friends with you in the future." I was shocked, and so grateful for his understanding I started crying tears of joy. That only escalated when Nathaniel dropped a beautiful picture of a flower on it with a hand written apology on the back. Every one stumbled over themselves trying to apologize all at once.

"Thank-thank you." I say at last.

"Oh Marinette will you ever forgive us?" Rose asks.

"I think I will. But not right now. I need time. You all hurt me really badly, but I think we can rebuild and have a beautiful friendship again -- in the future." It was true. I needed time to get over how fast they believed a complete stranger over me.

"Class?" Madam Busteir chose that moment to enter the classroom, "Where is Adrian,Chloe and Lila?"

"They'll be back. I hope." I respond with an afterthought.

"Well we certainly don't have time to wait for them. They can catch up later and give me their reasoning for being late -- as an essay. Let's move on to Literature class. Would you all flip your pages to chapter 11 in a Wrinkle in Time, please?" and class went normally from there. 

Until it didn't.

Adrian came quietly into the classroom bouncing on his heels and a stupid grin on his face even through Bustier telling him of his extra work. Next Lila was pushed into the room looking like hell. She looked like a littoral hore (Spelling?) and we were all very impressed and distracted by Adrian and Chloe, who had entered a second after's, hideous work. It was a work of sick art. 

"Lila! Principal's office. Now!" Poor Lila. Mrs. Bustier doesn't know what's going on. Mwahahahha, that's what you get!

A few classes later and one call to her parents and she was expelled with apologies to everyone in the class personally. It was the greatest day of my life. 

One thing I will have to remember though -- never mess with a fashion designer's kid.

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