Ummm Ladybug?

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Alya's POV

I was just waiting outside the school for the bell to ring with Nino when a dead on their feet prince charming showed up looking, well, dead. There were bags under his eyes and he dragged his feet with no model smile intact. Me and Nino practically caught him at the top of the stares as we went in to our usual seats  in the class. I was straining to hear Lila's new story she had for us as I edited a video of yesterday afternoon's akuma attack. Lila sounds to have gotten it touch with a second cousin in the U.S. with a big name in the music industry by the name of Kenny Rossi(AN:Real person! I just google searched it so you can probably too:)). That sounds so cool!


Uggg the bell. Well Marinette's not here, but that's normal. Luckily for her today neither is- never mind, don't even think of the devil and here she is! Chloe in all her snotty, glory came flouncing in, fashionably late as always. Well the teacher isn't here yet so I just continued editing and replaying this one part of the battle. 

Ladybug and Cat Noir were battling a especially hard one yesterday that went by the name of Trickster, I know, creative. Hawkmoth may be a terrorist but I am about to go get him some creative lessons with Nathaniel. Any way, he had just thrown a punch at Ladybug when Cat Noir tackled him to the ground and activated his Cataclysmic, but before he could use it to break the mask(which held the akuma) the Trickster decided to live up to his name and grabbed his wrist bending his arm back to his chest before he could do much more than widen his eyes. The cat didn't last very long in the fight at that point he pretty much turned really pale and just lied there after being thrown into a nearby building. Ladybug was freaking out over Cat, and the Trickster was proving to be more of a trickster than they originally thought, AND Cats ring was beeping every minute. All in all it was a disaster. Ladybug abandoned the fight to save her partner by locking him in a closet for the rest of the fight with the promise of "I will save you kitty," and she was back in it. She seemed really angry with Trickster at this point, as she was really aggressive and reckless. She called her lucky charm and the akuma didn't last long after that. Apparently he hates red and black spotted banana peels as much as Ladybug hates yellow. Cat eventually came out of the closet to be tackled to the ground by Ladybug who I was trying to figure out if she was crying. It was so romantic, yet the Cat didn't seem all there for the most part of it before he finally hugged her back.

I was just about to post it when Mlle. Busteir(AN: Is that right?) walked into the classroom. She started writing a writing prompt on the board for our next project when I noticed that Mari was still not here. I thought I'd shoot her a text to say I'll take notes for her. She responded immediately with a 'ON MY WAY' before I put my phone away to concentrate on class. I also noticed a note on my desk and Adrien with his head on his. I read the note first 'Adrien's really out of it dudet, he's sleeping in his favorite class. What do I do?' I wrote back 'LET HIM SLEEP NINO! DON'T YOU DARE WAKE THAT BOY UP!' just a peaceful reminder of what friends do.

Nino looked at me with a nod before turning back to the board. It had the words 'Racial Equality to you'(AN: Couldn't think of any thing and with all this nonsense going on I thought it was good) ugg. Why can't it ever be something fun? 

Just then the door creaked open as LADYBUG WALKED IN! I was recording in a second as the dutiful reporter I am. She looked just slightly better than sunshine in front of me. She walked in as if nothing was wrong and sat NEXT TO ME, in Marinette's spot.

"Sorry Mlle. Busteir, continue."

"Um ok, class, if you would please return your attention to the board." I tuned her out there. I mean, I have freaking LADYBUG sitting next to me! Do you think I am going to be paying attention to class? NO! OMG she's leaning over to me!

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