Chapter 8: Forever Fall & The Meeting

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(Y/N)'s POV

After Weiss and I turned in for the night after our little talk back in the workshop. Sleep felt so good but could only be ruined by the sound of my team's alarm clock. From there we resumed classes as usual. Whether it was to be considered a blessing or an omen, my team and I ended up getting called up to Professor Ozpin's office during Professor Port's class. We could only hazard a guess as to what it was about. We hopped on the elevator to his office where our conversation about this meetings subject will be.

Price: "You don't think it has to do with you gunning down Cardin?"

Me: "If that was the case then why would you three be here? You didn't get involved in that fight, albeit you did try to stop me..."

Price: "You're lucky someone like Goodwitch wasn't around to see it go down."

Callie: "And Cardin is lucky I didn't join in on the Cardick beatdown!"

Bruce: "Callie we had this talk last week."

Callie: "Just because you are basically the team dad doesn't mean you can choose my battles."

Price: "Rawrrrrr. Sassy."

Me: "I'm pretty sure this is about what happened during initiation. I'm surprised he hasn't asked us about it yet."

Bruce: "You're probably right kid. If that homicidal hooded chick shows up again it won't be pretty."

Price: "We'll just kick her ass again like we did last time! I mean, (y/n) and Callie by themselves had her on the ropes even without you or myself jumping back in."

Me: "Only one way to find out then."

The elevator stops as we arrive at the top floor of where Ozpin's office is. The doors open and we walk in. He's sitting in his chair looking out into the horizon with his favorite mug. I swear that is literally the only mug he has.

Me: "You wanted to see us professor?"

Ozpin: "Indeed I did. Sit down now as this might be a little while."

We take our seats in front of his desk as Ozpin sets his mug down before leaning forward with his arms and hands resting on his chin.

Ozpin: "I was wondering if we could talk about that mysterious girl that showed up and attacked you during your initiation."

Bruce: "We've been wondering about that ourselves if we are to be honest. You didn't send her as some sort of test did you?"

Ozpin: "I'm afraid not. I prefer not to send homicidal individuals after my students when they have enough to worry about with the local grimm population. Did any of you happen to notice anything peculiar about her?"

Callie: "Well she had a grimm mask covering half of her face...and we couldn't see the other half of it because it was covered up by dark shadows inside her hood. She sounded young. Like younger than us."

Ozpin: "Anything else?"

Bruce: "She knew something very personal about most of us, the exception being Callie."

Ozpin: "What did she say to you?"

Me: "Well towards me she referred to someone else as a "she" and how they will just send that girl back to finish me off once and for all. And that they haven't forgotten about me. I haven't the slightest clue what she is referring to. Personally, I think it was someone who snorted too much dust the wrong way."

I noticed Ozpins brow furrow a little bit as he grabs his mug and his grip on it looks like it is tightening fast....

Price: "On top of that she brought my now dead family into the conversation and was acting like she's known us for a long time."

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