A&H 16.

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“what if it was all a mistake? what if it was meant to be a fragment of their imagination? What if this life was a beautiful hallucination they refused to wake up from

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“what if it was all a mistake? what if it was meant to be a fragment of their imagination? What if this life was a beautiful hallucination they refused to wake up from. What if?”


Warmth tickled her eyelids making her roll over to the other side. She hugged the pillow close to her hiding her face on its softness. A giddy smile stretched on her lips at the dream that she had witnessed, the feeling of being caressed and loved driving her hazy mind crazy. She wanted to snuggled into his warmth like every other morning, but she found the bed empty.

Her eye opened and closed with in a fraction of seconds, she sat up feeling her head pounding and an unsettling ache between her legs. Her eyes adjusted to her surroundings. She was alone. Alone in her room.

With a hazy mind she looked around to find everything at it's place. She felt exhausted and tired, her eyes settled on the sequins of her dress that was placed on the arm chair in the far corner of the room.

Dread filled her from top to bottom as her head slowly hung and took in her appearance. A white wrinkled shirt was all she wore. Her heart sped faster, her hands starting shaking and her eyes blurred with tears.

"It.. it wasn't a dream. What have we done? He... He left didn't he?"

She clutched her hair, her breathing laboured; the worst scenarios filled her mind and eye with despair.

"Maybe he went to his room to freshen up" she thought. Her eyes were stuck to the door but she didn't hear a single sound coming from outside.

Removing the quilt she felt her heart stop at the stained sheets, she got up from her place while wincing in pain. She limped to the mirror and tore off the shirt only have a dreadful sight become her reflection.

Marks. Purple and blue hickeys littered on her neck, chest and the whole of her body. Her throat clogged as the cut short memories of last night filled her in. Her heart beat fastened as the realization of that dream being a reality filled her in.

"Maybe he went out for something" she thought deciding to wait for him and not jump to conclusions. She went to the bathroom to freshen up a little, she came back, and sat down on her bed waiting for him but when an hour passed and she felt no sense of life in her apartment, she started to feel her heart get heavy.

"A..Aaban" a whisper left her lips as she pulled on a robe and ran out of the room. She clutched her hair as she found the apartment empty. His room also empty. His cloths not in their respective places.

"AABAN!" she yelled in an attempt to call him. She ran into her room grabbing her phone.

She dialed his number, not once, not twice but multiple times but only the voicemail greeted her back making her dizzy.

Daastan E Ishq - داستانِ عشقWhere stories live. Discover now