Deep love

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Disclaimer: Andrea never worked for Miranda at runway, Andrea is rich by family inheritance and Miranda is still the same :)

It was exactly 8:00pm when Miranda Priestly was having dinner with some of the members of the board which to her disappointment was utterly dragging as they kept fluffing their own ego. She had no escape whatsoever as she couldn't just call Roy to come and pick her up. Just as she was in the middle of cutting her steak, pretending to listen to the conversation around her, a tinkling laugh caught her attention. She turned her head to see where the laughter was coming from and saw that it was an extremely beautiful young woman wearing a maroon tight bodycon dress that accentuated her curves and enhanced her cleavage. Miranda was so mesmerized that she didn't even realize one of the members of the board who she had not bothered to know his name, was speaking to her.

"So Miranda as I was saying I- Miranda? Are you okay?" The man asked with genuine concern as he watched the Fashion editor frozen.

This quickly caused for Miranda to snap out of her reverie and brushed it off lightly.

"Oh yes I'm perfectly fine" she replied with an arch of an eyebrow, daring anyone to question her again. They didn't bring it up in the conversation again.

Miranda however looked up to glance where the gorgeous brunette was sitting and to her surprise, they both locked eyes with each other for what seemed like long moment. It wasn't until the brunette broke out into a charming smile that caused Miranda to forget how to breathe. Miranda quickly averted her eyes back to her dinner companions as she was trying to calm her nerves. She thought to herself "What am I doing?! Pining for a girl that looks about half your age, Get a hold of yourself Miranda!"

Miranda however couldn't even take her own advice by keeping her eyes to herself and was extremely disappointed when she had seen that the girl had already left.

She brought her attention back to the conversation these boring men were dragging her in, she couldn't wait to get home.

As dinner had finished they all exchanged polite farewells and was off, thankfully for Miranda Roy was already waiting outside except she couldn't shake the feeling of being extremely gutted that she did not get the chance to even talk to the beautiful brunette.

Just as she was about to walk into her car, she heard the same unforgettable laugh and whipped her head quickly to see the brunette was in a call and just threw her head back laughing at something someone on the other line said.

"No I'll be fine, I can manage to get home safely if I just start walking now, okay see you" the mysterious young woman said.

Miranda didn't even realize that she was already walking toward the younger woman until they were in close proximity of each other. The younger woman however looked happy to see Miranda which surprised Miranda as they had yet to exchange words.

"Hello, I'm sorry to have eavesdropped but I couldn't help but hear that you were going to walk home? It's far too dangerous to be walking the streets alone, I can drop you off if you'd like?" Miranda said to the brunette.

"Oh hi! Yeah I'm totally fine and also I don't take rides from strangers" The young woman had an adorable smile Miranda thought to herself but she wasn't going to give up that easily to ensure the young woman's safety.

"Please I insist, a young woman like you could get into serious danger walking the streets at night alone" Miranda was not going to give up allowing this woman to walk home by herself.

The young woman looked contemplative until she finally gave in as she enjoyed being in the company of this woman yet she didn't know why.

"Ok sure why not" Miranda was relieved as she led the young woman to the car. Miranda opened the car for the young woman which caused the young woman to blush, Miranda was smitten.

"Just give Roy your address" Miranda said to the young woman who Miranda just realized she didn't know her name.
As if Andreá could read Miranda's mind after she gave her address to Roy she turned towards Miranda.

"Thank you so much for the ride, My name's Andrea, Andrea Sachs it's nice to meet you" Andrea gave Miranda a blinding smile that made Miranda's heart flutter. Her name is beautiful and suits her well Miranda thought to herself.

"Hello Andreá my name is Miranda Priestly, I saw you earlier in the restaurant but you were by yourself" Miranda said.

"I usually dine by myself as it gives me more time to myself as I'm always working" Andrea said as looked down at her hands that were fidgeting with her purse.

"Well I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me this Friday?" Wow real smooth Miranda she thought to herself, Miranda mentally slapped her head with regret.

Andrea looked up at the other woman sitting next to her as her whole face lit up.

"As crazy as this sounds, I would love to come have dinner with you" Andrea said with a shy smile and Miranda reflected the same smile on her features. They threw themselves in a peaceful conversation about everything and anything.

Andrea's apartment building was coming much to Miranda's dismay, as the car stopped Andrea turned towards Miranda.

"Thank you for the ride, you really didn't have to" before Miranda could reply Andrea leaned forward and gently kissed her cheek to show her gratitude. She slipped her phone number on a piece of paper before she jumped out of the car and started making her way to her apartment. Andrea turned back towards the car she waved with a full smile.

Miranda for her part was completely floored, she'd never acted this bold with someone she found attractive enough to talk to. Here she was though with a dinner date this Friday and she could not wait. Miranda knew she was going to woo the young woman no matter what it took.

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