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Faith is betrayed. Morality is forgotten. Harsh and harmful reality will bring justice to all, reckoning with almighty damnation and perdition upon the evil hearts of the mortal world, who attempt to escape God's judgement.

Mercy may not save them from hellfire, but the even devil himself will also choose to violate the upright souls who try to desecrate the void between both army's, and those hiding from both the Lord, and Satan's touch. One cannot verge on the line between virtuous and promiscuous, and Eve has simply chosen her destined path of darkness, so the light has come to strike her one last time for betraying the brilliance.

Heavy footsteps are wandering down the hall, echoing like death's banging drums, the song above the chime of a clicking set of keys, whistling through sealed lips and tormenting hums. God's punishment is taking path onwards to the cage that the plucked, damaged and libidinous angel is now locked inside with the beast that had de-feathered her – only she assisted with every pull of white, dipping her wings into the murky blankness that swam in Kylo Ren's eyes, and taking the leap with him from the clouds, to then thrash into hell and tear her holy wings on the arrowed gates that she snuck through. 

God had watched her sin – and with tender wickedness, the Lord must have decided that Eve would pay for what she had remorselessly given to Kylo Ren, not in the afterlife... but right now.

Fright pinches the Sister's system, injecting adrenaline and poisonous consternation right into her blood – which is still smeared between her bare legs, upon her tasteless tongue and Patient 727's long fingers. Veins almost thinning, her pulsating heart is no longer grasped by the passionate touch of desire, but it pumps and beats like it's trying to escape the cage of her ribs.

Eve's eyes are impossibly wide with fear, completely losing the drunken shine that once eloped the colour, and draining the hue of her lust to replace it with something much more anxious. Time seems to slow with taunt as they both hear the collective boots clicking down the hall, towards them – but she still lays naked beneath Kylo Ren, despite the fact that her body wants to either sprint somewhere away, or possibly even snap her bones to fit through the bars of Kylo's cell window, to drop into the safety of the ominous forest which surrounded White-Ivy Manor.

Though, despite the gripping fact that Kylo's hands were still pressing her hips forcibly into the mattress – his eyes moving towards the door with a slow drag – Eve remains right in the devil's grasp, for there is no escaping whoever is about to click those keys into the slot of the cell – all that there is left to do, is silently cry while her soul ignorantly prays and pleads her Lord for forgiveness. 

Another slow second ticks by, and the boots are still coming closer and closer. Eve's prayers will forever be ignored, their power is no longer whispered with prosperity, it is seeking forgiveness with vanity of the guilty crime which the heaven's only know that the fallen angel will simply repeat – for the Sister has turned her back from the warmth of enlightenment, replacing the feeling in her heart with the endless frost that laid upon the grounds, only to capture the rising crimson and scarlet of her treacherous blasphemy and sacrilege.

Eve only accepts the charging punishment to come. She closes her eyes and begins to cry as she can feel the walls closing in, forever trapping her in a corpse's shell of the religious woman she had killed, and summoned to a immortalised abyss. 

But Kylo Ren was never one to give up, and although he didn't care if they were caught, he knew that whoever found them would be the one to take the angel from his hands – and nobody can hold, harm, nor keep his Eve... unless it is him. 

His face turns back to her, and as he hovers above Eve like a guardian angel of some sick-sort, he runs his tongue along his white teeth and then says in a calming tone, "Scream."

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