Hoseok - Head bump

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Mxnon24 ,this is your request dear. Don't hesitate to request if you have any other ideas. I hope you like it.
I  hope it's better now.

"Hello , everyone. It's 'The Late Late Show' and today we're having a very special guests . They're staying in america for a while for the BBMAS and performing tonight in my show their song 'Black Swan' . Everyone , It's BTS !" James introduced enthusiastically as the audience screamed in encouragement.
The music started and BTS took positions.
All the members noticed that the floor was slippery , but they had no other choice than performing anyways.
As they began to dance, Jimin's right leg slipped but he caught himself and continued to dances as if nothing happened. Everybody noticed that the floor was slippery but they didn't stop dancing.
When Hoseok span Yoongi around and Yoongi reatracted his arm (as in the MV) Hoseok slipped backwards and his head hit the ground harshly. He blinked the dancing stars in front of his vision away and stood up to continue the dance ignoring the worried glances from the other members and the shooting pain in his head and professionally completed the performance.

After the performance

"Hoseok-ah , Are you okay ? It seemed a nasty hit for your head " Yoongi asked worriness dripping from his voice while rubbing the others head .
Hoseok smile , touched by the other's affectionate behavior.
"I'm fine , Yoongi-hyung . Don't worry my head didn't get hit so badly. It was just a temporary pain." He said as he patted Yoongi's shoulder reassuringly.

In the way back to the hotel

"Did you see Jimin-hyung's spin ?it was awesome , hyung !" Jungkook said with amazement lacing his voice.
"Aww thanks , Jungkookie . You danced very well too." Jimin complimented him back with smile.
"Hoseok-hyung and Jiminie did so well today. Iam glad our band has amazing dancers!" Taehyung said while putting his arm around his best friend's shoulder.
"Thanks , Taehyungie . You actually did so well today and you were so handsome." Jimin complimented him with a blush.
"Yah! Not more handsome than me . You ungrateful brat." Jin said jokingly as the others laughed except for Hoseok , his head was killing him and the pain was much worse than in the performance.
"It seemed like a hard fall for Hoseok-hyung today. Are you okay, hyung?" Namjoon asked Hoseok trying to snap him out of his daze to join their talk.
"Yeah , hyung. The back of your head hit the stage with a big force." Taehyung said worriedly.
Hoseok smiled reassuringly and ignored all of their concerned looks and said "I'm fine , guys. Don't worry so much."
Everyone looked at each other unsure about this but didn't say anything and sat in silence for the rest of the way until the arrival.
"Want me to help you out Hoseok-hyung?" Jimin asked as he held his arm.
"Thank you , Jimin. I really appreciate it." As he let he dongsaeng help him out of the van as he felt really dizzy.
"Don't thank me , hyung. I owe you alot." Jimin said as he held his hyung's arm for the rest of the way to the hotel.

In the hotel

" Okay. You guys take the elevator. I will be going by the stairs." Hoseok said as he was claustrophobic.
"I will be using the stairs too , hyung since I'm claustrophobic too." Taehyung said as he joined his hyung.
"I think I will be using the stairs too since I want to lose some weight." Jimin said joining J-hope too.
"Jimin-hyung , your body is perfect you don't need to lose weight." Jungkook said in a worried tone.
"Thanks , kookie. But I insist to use the stairs." Jimin said while smiling.
"Okay as you like it, guys. See you up there." Namjoon said while getting in the elevator.
"Do you need any help ,Hoseok-hyung" Jimin said worriedly.
"No thanks, Jiminie. I'm fine with going upstairs alone." Hoseok said reassuringly but definitely lying and even his two dongsaengs knew he wasn't capable of doing it alone , they let him be.
Black dots started to invade Hoseok's vision as his head started pounding with pain , feeling very light headed. He felt as if his legs were made of jelly and everything is spinning. He clutched the railings trying to steady himself shaking his head while closing his eyes to blink the black dots away , but nothing worked. He swayed back and forth then fell backwards with his eyes closed unconscious. He was lucky that Jimin and Taehyung were just a step backwards as they lunged forward to catch him before he can meet the floor.
"Hyung ! Hoseok-hyung ! Wake up ! Please hyung , wake up !" Taehyung said ,worriness consuming him and Jimin as they shook him with no effect.
"I think we should call 119 , they should be more capable than us." Jimin said as he took his phone out of his pocket hurriedly dialing the number and asking for instructions as soon as he got the response. They asked for the address and assured him that the ambulance is on it's way and that in this situation they have to make some tests to avoid any bumps or any brain damages.
Jimin called Namjoon explaining the delayment of their arrival, Namjoon told them that they will be following them to the hospital as they have some of their luggage missing and they will have to speak to the manager of the hotel about this. Jimin bid his goodbyes and hung up .
"Will Hoseok-hyung be okay , Jiminie?" Taehyung said while crying as he was the most affectionate member.
"Sure , Taehyungie. He will be more than fine. It's just a little bump in his head nothing more. Don't worry he will be fine." Jimin said reassuringly as Taehyung engulfed him in a big tight hug crying on his shoulder as Jimin patted his back and whispered reassuring words to him. The ambulance arrived a few minutes afterwards and strapped Hoseok in a stretcher . Taehyung nearly fought a medic as they didn't let them in , but with a few words and apologies from Jimin they let them both ride the ambulance with their hyung with two promises of not intruding nor intrupting.
"What's his name ,sir?" A paramedic asked Jimin.
"Uhhm...H-hoseok...J-Jung H-hoseok.." Jimin said as his voice shook uncontrollably.
"Don't worry ,sir. Mr. Jung isn't hurt badly. We are just going to the hospital to make some test for reassurance that there's no severe damage caused by the fall. His constants are stable for now."
The paramedic said reassuringly.
"Thank you so much. We appreciate your efforts." Jimin said as he calmed down a little by his explanation. The paramedic just smiled and nodded.
"Patient's Name : Jung Hoseok. Found unresponsive. State : stable."  A paramedic said the other one wrote it down.
"Put his head on a soft object and check his breathing." The paramedic ordered as he was fetching some machines and connecting the wires to Hoseok, and the other placed a pillow under Hoseok's Head and adjusted it so his head's position was comfortable and his head wasn't laying on anything hard.
"His breathing is unstable, I think he will be needing an oxygen mask to help him breathe properly." The same paramedic said after he checked Hoseok's pulse and breathing and wrote down everything about Hoseok's state in his report and another one adjusted the oxygen mask to fit properly on Hoseok's face.
Taehyung's hand was shaking . He never thought he would deal with such a situation. He just leaned on Jimin's shoulder as he brought his hands around his waist and Jimin imitated him , comforting each other.

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