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      I woke up and laid still remembering the embrace of Kareem . I looked over at the time, "5:23" I sighed and looked at Kareem laying near my stomach. For some reason that helps him sleep, I find it adorable though. I slowly tried to get out of the bed ,soon failed when I was tugged and pulled back by KJ. I heard him groan and sigh as if he was going back to sleep. Rubbing my eyes from the sleep that tried to grasp me again. I rubbed my right hand through his hair , quickly hearing his breathing pick up and a moan slip out. I snatch my hand back looking at him surprised.

    As I tried to make my way out the bed again I succeeded and walked to the bathroom , using the restroom and begin to wash up , since I'm not going back to bed anytime soon.
    As I made it to my room , KJ was sitting up shirtless showing off his six pack he worked so hard for and still is. He wiped his face and looked at me, I noticed my sweatshirt and leggings. "Ha , goodmorning babydoll" I looked up and smirked "goodmorning, sorry for waking you up" I walked to my bed and laid back down. It was Saturday morning so it could either be lazy or productive and by productive I meant a nice jog or run with KJ.

     "Why you up this early?" He said looking at the clock which read 5:35. I sat on the bed crossing my legs Indian style and shrugged my shoulders "your so beautiful when you wake up in the morning mama" I rubbed my eye , smiling from his comment. "Thanks handsome kid" I giggled. Some people say I'm weird with the way I word things, and the words I use. I think outside the box and be me , I guess you would say.

     "What are we doing on this Saturday morning? " He slid over resting his head on my leg obviously still a little bit sleepy. "How about we eat some ice cream and cereal and watch a 'Cry Baby'?" I jumped clapping my hands, "yay, c'mon KJ." He chuckled getting up walking into my bathroom, I made my bed and continued out the door with my house shoes and glasses pushed upon my nose. My hair sat wild and out, just about to my shoulders. I walked softly to my aunts room to say 'Goodmorning', "Well, Goooodmor- " I noticed she wasn't in bed, it was made and neat. I walked in to the bathroom and walk in closet but no where to be found. "She's not here" I jumped and turned at the sound of KJ's voice. "Well, where is she? "
    We proceeded our way down the stairs to the kitchen , "She went on a business trip, she'll be back Sunday night." I stood in my stance, my eyes grew wide. A weekend alone, with KJ. Doesn't sound to good. How come I wasn't informed, I mean I do live here too.I thought about the cereal and reached for it but my small height rejected it. KJ came behind me grabbing the box for me it grew awkward and my ears begin to burn.
"Here shortcake " he handed me my favorite cereal. 'Froot Loops' all time favorite seriously. As I pour my cereal into a medium sized bowl KJ pulled out the 'Superman' ice cream. I was shocked and in awe "no way, when did that get here?! " Kareem laughed sitting it on the counter. "My mom bought it for you before she left, but this ain't all for you at least as of this moment 'cause I want some."
I giggled and shruged my shoulders pouring the milk in the bowl.
    Once I was done Kareem had his bowl of cereal and the two bowls of ice cream on the granite marble counter, and surprisenly everything else was put away. I grabbed my ice cream bowl as we proceed our way to our 'movie theatre' which is just the living room. I sat on the huge love seat placing my ice cream on coffee table. Said my grace and begin eating as Kareem set the movie and pressed play. He made sure all the lights from the windows and blinds wasn't seeping through. He grabbed his cereal sitting next to me. Luckily this seat is big.
    Once we finished the cereal drinking the milk, I started on my ice cream sitting side ways and relaxed my legs on Kareem's arm rest. He looked at me poking his tongue at the bottom of his right cheek. I laughed filling my mouth with ice cream. "Ah-ka-ka-ka, nothin' funny Nicole. More them damn corns away from me" I burst out laughing as I bend my toes causing them to crack.    
    His eyes grew big and his head snapped so fast at me. "You think this funny Nicole?" I laughed as I felt tears forming in my eye lids.
Next thing I know he dipped his finger into my ice cream and sucked it off his finger. He didn't let it dissolve until he showed it off to me with his tongue basically reaching his chin. It wasn't disgusting because I was past the point of laughing or smiled. This boy just put his nasty ass finger in my ice cream. Not just some vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry but Superman.
     I scrunched my face up with the cutest little smile on my face adding a tiny giggle as I retrieved my legs from the arm rest.
     Sitting my ice cream down, I grabbed my cereal bowl keeping the smile on my face standing up. "I'll be back." I went to the kitchen to put the bowl up and jogged up to his room. I opened it softly looking back to make sure he wasn't coming. Soon as I made it in I closed it behind me. I looked at his neat room and beautifull made bed, his royal blue walls : which is his favorite color.
I decided to start with his bed, I pulled the sheets from his bed and tossed them to the side. Along with his pillows, I grabbed his mattress lifting with my legs careful not to hurt my back trying to be super woman . I slid it off, and walked towards his writing journals reading through a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2015 ⏰

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