Chapter 16

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Everyone was laughing while they were singing and we tried to get everyone to not listen but they didn't listen to us and so we left

"Oh Binx come on" Dani says and we continue to run away

"This is really bad" Max says while kicking a trash can

"Max come on calm down" Allison says

"Look I want you to take Dani to your house and don't let her out of your sight " Max says

"Max I'm not leaving you" Dani says and someone opens the door and we hide

"Uh-oh" Binx says

"Get down" Max says and once my sisters leave Allison pulls down a oven door

"I have an idea" Allison says

"Is it a good idea" I say


We walked to a building called Jacob Bailey High School to set up for Allison's plan and Max started saying stuff on what he calls an intercom and Allison sets up a so called radio and plays it and my sisters go in this oven thing and were burned alive but I know whatever the think they did it didn't work because of something I changed in the spell that brought us back

"Farewell Winifred Sanderson" Max says while they all cheer

"We did it Binx we stopped them" Max told Binx

"I wanted to do that for 300 years since they took Emily" Binx said I knew we didn't stopped them but I couldn't bring myself to tell them

"You really miss her don't you. Man you can't keep blaming yourself for that. That happened so long ago" Max said

"Take good care of Dani, Max you'll never know how precious she is until you lose her" Binx said

"Hey Binx where do you think you going? Your one of us you're a Dennison now buddy" Max says

"Come on Binx, Liv let's go home" Dani says

"Home" Binx sighs

"Home" Max repeated

"Wait you want me to come with you" I say wait for his answer

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