The Beginning

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It was 9:45 am, and you were currently laying down on a nice couch, staring at the ceiling while talking about how you feel to your psychiatrist, Mrs.Choi. She wrote down notes as you spoke and nodded her head every time you looked over.

"...and that's about it. Overall, I just feel like I'm stuck in time. Everyday is the same thing over and over again. It's quite tiring." You said and let out a long sigh.

"Tell me y/n, do you believe that you have to accomplish something to move on?" Mrs.Choi said as she leaned forward.

"Accomplish something? Like what?" You said standing up.

"Something like...." Mrs.Choi was cut off by the timer alarm. "Times up! You know the drill y/n. We'll continue you this discussion next appointment."

"But Mrs Choi! You still haven't told me what is it I have to accomplish!" You whined but just like that she and her office faded away. You huffed, seeing you were back in your bedroom.

"Ugh. Why does she always have to leave like that!" You whined while jumping up and down. You stopped and shouted out a "sorry!" When you heard an annoyed shout from beneath you. You had forgotten that you lived in a an apartment, so you had to be a little quiet.

"Might as well get going then." You thought as you looked in the mirror and fixed your hair up a little. You walked downstairs, giving small bows to those around you. As soon as you got outside you felt a light breeze brush against your face as a little bubble bot appeared.

"Hello Ma'am, heading somewhere nice today?" The bubble bot said in a robot-ish voice.

"I'm actually going to the mall, a little shopping would be perfect for today."
You smiled and looked down at the bubble bot.

"Well I'll be your assistant for the day, my name is Bibit the bubble bot! But you can call me Bibit, or Bibi!" Bibit said as her eyes turned to pixelated moon crescents, representing her happy mood.

"Alright, let's get going!" You began walking and soon vanished, reappearing in the mall.

People appeared and vanished around you, some leaving, some coming. Such a futuristic world, who knows what comes next! You could buy a house in a box, open the box and a house built just for you pops out! So many things that were once impossible are possible here, in your world.

"Bibi, do you think I should get the blue or the red dress?" You said, holding out the two dresses.

"The color red suits you best y/n! I think red one would be better for you." Bibi said with a small giggle.

You nodded your head and tried it on. You came out of the dressing room were Bibi awaited you, and looked in the mirror.

"How do I look?" You asked as you faced Bibi.

"Lovely! Lovely! Lovely!" Bibi chanted

You happily clapped your hands and twirled around like no one was watching, music played in the back of your head while you fell into your dreamland. Something about the way you felt today, right now, just made you want to smile for ever and ever.

You bought the dress, and went to the jewelry store, where you were the owner's favorite customer.

"I thought you weren't going to show up today y/n" the store owner, Mr.Hyuk said. He was an older guy in his 50's who did nothing but make others smile. You loved everything about him and looked up to him as your idol.

"Me? Forget about seeing you? Never!" You chuckled as you looked at all the pretty jewels.

"Oh! Now that you're here...I have a little something for you." Mr.Hyuk said and went to the back of the store. You waited at the desk for him but kept your eyes on the people passing by the store.

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