One Shot

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Author's note: Please enjoy and let me know if I can make any improvements. Thank you.

Just a little background information about the characters.

Irene - studying law at college. Parents passed away when she was young. Not a social butterfly but people love to surround her to look at her beautiful face and she hates it. Get love proposals almost everyday and she rejects them all. Waiting for her soulmate to come. A hopeless romantic and useless lesbian.

Wendy - moved back to Korea after studying culinary in Canada. Looking for a job as a chef at a hotel. Had a fucked up childhood that messed with her head a little. Loves to flirt with girls intentionally and unintentionally. Not immune to Irene's beauty. Trying to avoid meeting her soulmate. A hopeless romantic and useless lesbian as well.

Park Sooyoung aka Joy - a very good friend who would protect and tease Irene. Sexy dynamite. Not afraid to kick some ass and has no filter. A whipped girlfriend for her soulmate. Only can be tamed by her soulmate.

Kang Seulgi - the only person who could tame Joy. Mostly quiet but fiercely protective of her friends and family. Pringles is life. Looks like an innocent bear that got trapped in a hot dancer's body. Oblivious to flirts but genuinely loves her girlfriend.

Kim Yerim - Irene's only relative. A devil in disguise. Would tease Irene and Wendy but she quietly ships them so hard and would do anything for them to get together. It's actually a miracle she's still safe from Irene's wrath. Never let her get together with Joy.

Irene's POV

I did not know that I couldn't see a blue color until when I was 4, I asked my mother why the sky is grey. My mother's shocked face I still remember until now. "No sweetie, the sky is not grey. It never was grey. It is blue. The sky is blue." The 4-year-old me turned to look at the sky once again. "But mum what is blue? I just see grey."

Then my mother smiled and kneeled until we are face to face. "It means sweetie, your soulmate's color is blue. You won't be able to see blue until you meet them." The young me could not understand what does soulmate means. "What is a soulmate mother?"

She pats my head and looked at me lovingly and said "it means someone who you would spend your entire life with, someone who you would love so much, just like me and your father. Your dad is my soulmate and I am his. I could not see the brown color until I met him. Don't worry sweetie. You would meet them in the future and you would see the blue color."

I nodded my head even though I did not understand half of the things she said. I am 21 years old now and I still could not see the color blue. Where is my soulmate and what is he/she doing? I hope it's not a man though since I am not patient enough to put up with their shit. A woman would be more tolerable for me, smell nice, soft, and cuddly.

God, what the hell am I thinking? I haven't even met them yet. I am currently studying at the local university, majoring in law. Not to brag or something but I have a lot of admirers at my university because of my pretty face.

Yes, I acknowledge that I am pretty.

But it doesn't make me arrogant or feeling superior to others because I know that beauty is just the outer appearance of someone. The real beauty is what is inside them.

However, not everyone thinks that way since there are many people especially men who disturb my peace and try to convince me to agree to date them just because they liked my beauty and they want to own it.

It's not that I am waiting for my soulmate to show up. I just don't have time for this whole dating thing cause I am studying law and I am focusing on becoming a good prosecutor. I want to achieve my goals.

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