Chapter 1

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Emi is in her room office. Her hair tied into a messy bun and papers are scattered all over the place. She is busy.

Seems like Emi is on her super duper focus mode.

While Emi is doing the paperwork, she heard a double knock on her door. She's too busy focusing and she didn't bother to see who knocked, and except she just said "Come In!" The way she said that sounds like a happy and a welcome tone.

She heard the door clicked twice, but she still didn't looked away from what she's doing.

When finally done with what she is doing, she finally looked up. She saw the door is closed but she didn't saw anyone.

She stand up from where she's sitting and head towards the door. She twisted the door knob, and poped her head outside of her office room to see if anybody tried to pull a prank on her. If it is a prank, she definitely going to win, for sure. Cuz when it comes to pranks, she's the queen.

She closed the door back and sigh. "What was that? I'm sure I heard someone knocked. Maybe I've been thinking too much." She tought.

When she was about to turn back she heard...


The voice that calling her name made her jumped and suprised. But that voice do sounds familiar.

She turn back slowly to see who it is. And she saw...

"Director Nezu?"

It's the little white mouse who is a principal at U.A Academy. He's just too small for her to realize.

She walk towards the mouse while scratching back of her head and acted like she didn't get scared earlier.

"So... why are you here Director?😅." She laugh nervously.

" *laugh* W-why are scared me calling you earlier ."

"What! Me, scared. Pshhh. I'm not scared, I'm j-just suprised. That's all."

" *chuckle* quit acting Ms. Joke. I know you."he smiled.

"Alright alright, I got scared! I didn't expect you to shout my name like that."

"Sorry for scaring you Ms. Joke☺️. But you do look hilarious.*chuckle*"

"Nah, it's okay. By the way, why are you here anyway?" She walk towards the mouse and picked him up. She put the white mouse on a chair which is infront of her table.

"Sorry for disturbing you while you're busy Ms. Joke. But I have something important to tell you."

"What is it then?" She sat down on a nearby chair.

"Well, I'm preety sure that you know that you know one of my class in U.A. It is called class 1-a."

"Oh My God! That's Eraser's class, how can I forget about them. They are all amazing 😉"

"You are right. By the way, you may know that the students has been targeted by many villians before. They also has a high capability as a pro hero does."

Emi just smiled, nodded and hands on her lap. Listening to Nezu's statement.

"BUT! That doesn't mean that they do not need training. So I planned to have a Joint Training between Ketsubutsu and U.A." He explained it with a smile on his face.

Emi gave him her signature smile and nodded on his satement which is true. Then she speak.

"That's sound so much fun! Actually it's very good for the students to know each other so that they can learn how teamwork works😁."

"So I will just need your agreement on this training."

"Are you kidding me! Of course I'll agree.😁"

"Allright! So I wanted the training to be as soon as possible, so it's either on Tuesday of Wednesday."

"WHaT!? Today is Monday, and Tuesday is way too soon."

"All right, Wednesday it is!"

"Wait, if Tuesday is early that doesn't mean—"she got cut off by Nezu.

"Don't worry Ms. Joke. While I am still here you can ask me whatever about the Joint Training. Come on, just hit me with questions. You got 30 minutes left."

"Oh-okay. First question. there any other adults or teacher that will guide the students on the training or is it just me know who?"

"I'm glad you asked that, the anwser is NO. You and Eraserhead is not the only adults that will be there but instead I added two more teachers so that easier for you guys.😁"

Emi closed her eyes and sigh. Which is a relief. She don't want to go there just him and her. That will be super awkward.

"Um..and who are they. The two teachers." She smiled.

" And that will be Pr. Mic and Ms. Midnight. Which is also a teacher at U.A. I'm preety sure that you knew most of the teachers there." Nezu wink.

That is actually true. She's not really suprised to hear Midnight's name beacause she's her bestfriend. And she has expected her name. By visiting Midnight often at U.A make her knew a lot of the teachers there.

"Ouh, okay. Second question is. Where we will be having the training at U.A right?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you, this year we will not be having the training at our school like we usually do. This year we wanted it to be a little bit different🤗. We will having the training in Hawaii😄." Nezu gave her his wide smile.

"Wow ! Haweewe! That's gotta be so much fun!" She jumped while clap her hand together. "*clear throat*As expected from U.A. Now why is that? Is there any particular reason?" Trying to act normally again.

"*laugh* not much. I kinda felt bad for the students you know. They need to breath some fresh air from the outside school. It might be boring to stay in around the school area."

Emi just hummed in response of understanding.

"Well how long we will be having the training?"

"Around a week or two."

"Hmm... I'm preety sure that is all. Yeah, I think I received enough information."

"That's great! If you have any other base questions you may ask either Eraserhead, Pr. Mic or Ms. Midnight 😊."

Emi definitely won't ask Eraser. He probably will hung up if she call him. Just like everytime. Well she do loves to tease him, but talking to him like normal, is just...

"I need to get going Ms. Joke. See you around!" Nezu walked towards the door and waves at Emi. She waved back at him while giving him her best signature smile.
"See ya' later Director!"


Hi guys! I really hoped that you guys enjoyed this. If you do please vote or leave any comments and please be nice 👍🏼. And im sorry if there is kind of a grammar mistake or whatever. Im sorry. And i know this chapter is kinda short, but don't worry 😉 next chapter will be much more interesting i promised. And next chapter maybe include Aizawa 🤗. Soo...stay tuned! Words counted = 1146.

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