Chapter 2

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(After Nezu leave emi with maybe enough information, she quickly inform the news to her class after. Her class were super duper eggcited. Not going to lie but she also felt kinda excited.)

Time skip

Emi just finished her night patrol. On Monday she'll have a night patrol after finished being a teacher.

She opened the pin on her door and opened it. She is really tired right now. When she got in her apartment, she dashed into her bedroom. She slumped her body onto the bed, face-planted and let out a deep sigh.

Her body now is very sweaty and sticky from all the activities she had done for the day. She needed to take a bath.

She start to undress. Taking off all of her hero costume. Then she wrapped her body with a dark blue colored towel. She threw her bandanna on her bed.

Then she entered the toilet. She turn on the heater and begin showering. While she is taking shower she also hummed her favourite song. It sound good, like a professional singer. It sound MAGNIFICENTLY good. She really loves to sing. Which is one of her favourite hobby.

After awhile, she again wrapped herself in a towel and started to dry her hair. Then she got out of the toilet. Before heading towards the bedroom, she head towards the kitchen first. Well, Emi don't like to stay in her towel half-naked like this, but she really wants her tea right now.

Luckily, she lived alone. So there would not be any 'unfortunate accident'. She would love to have a roommate but... she's too tired to think about that right now. She'll think about that later.

After done making her mango flavored tea, she bring the hot tea to the coffee table which's in her living room. She thought of watching TV after this. She placed down the mug carefully on the table and rush to the bedroom. She leave the tea outside for awhile, while waiting it to cool down a bit.

After done putting on her pajamas, she combed her green-seafoam hair delightly. Then she head towards where she placed her tea earlier. But before that, she can already saw that her apartment door is opened. She's kinda shocked to see that.

"Did I forgot to lock the door? Oh fuck. I totally forgot." She thought to herself. Blaming herself for her stupid mistake.

Then she decided to take a peek from the hallway to see if anyone had entered. But when she saw who it is, she...kinda disappointed. At first she thought it was some kind of a villian, or a burglar, or something unthinkable that might got in. But instead, she saw....

"Ugh! Nemuri Kayama. Could you please close the door everytime you entered someone's house!" Irritated by her bestfriend bad habit who is sitting on her couch in the living room right now.

"Hehehe, sorry 😅." Apologized for her mistakes.

Emi head towards the door which is opening wide. Its like, she's welcoming the whole people in the apartment building. She closed the door slowly, and this time she maked sure she'll locked it.

"How do you even got into my apartment?!" Emi said, which show a hint of angryness in her voice.

"And like I don't know my ol'friend bad habit. You ALWAYS forgot to lock doors 😂. Even when you're taking a shower🥴." The pro hero Midnight laugh that she had a comeback from what Emi said about her earlier.

Emi just sigh and admitted what Nemuri told her.

"Yeah, yeah. You're right. But, hey! Everybody has at least one bad habit right?" She said that while walking towards where her friend who is sitting.

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