chapter 3

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we zoom in the next morning where the two soldiers got from bed made their beds and went to putting their clothes in their closets as well as both of them assembeled their weapons and blagoj told sharp this

blagoj:sharp you go first to take a shower i will follow after you

sharp:nods at him and went to take off his clothes and went to take a shower as he entered the bathroom he begun to shower

meanwhile blagoj was reading a book about this world and was suprsised to see two companies copeating one of them being sangviss ferri they encountered the other groufen and krouger as sharp exited the shower

blagoj went after him and took his shower as they finished they exited their room carrying their weapons  with them and

went to the messhault to eat as they sat on one of the tables the ar team and several girls came to sit near them

which they didnt mind well blagoj didnt mind sharp was given them a cold shoulder everytime

blagoj:good morning ar team care to introduce ours to you frieunds

g36:im g36 nice too meet you

ak12:ak 12 nice too meet you

an94:im an 94

mosin nagant:im nagant nice too meet you

stg 44:im stg 44 nice too meet you

mp 40:im mp 40 nice too meet you boys with a a small flirting

blagoj:nice too meet you he flirted back a her

sharp:gave them a cold shoulder and he nods to to blagoj to tell them

blagoj:are you certain sharp to show them

sharp:nods at him

blagoj:wery vell girls im about to show you why sharp needs to wear a gasmask all the time if you try and remove him it

will become  difficult for him to breed he grabbed his laptop and show them  which was a sci fi one sharp gave him a usb which contained information on why sharp needs to wear a gasmask

blagoj:sharp are your certain i should show them this

sharp:nods at him and tells him to show them

blagoj:very well then girls what im about to show you is information on why sharp needs to wear a gasmask it could become dark and ugly are you certain you want to watch

tactical dools:we want to find out blagoj

blagoj:very well as the usb was insertied they watched as sharp was pushed inside a hall where the gas was released and was chocking as the soldiers got him out he was taken to the medic bay to be healed seeing this they were shocked and horrified of this happening to sharp as the video ended they look as sharp

was given new equipment made by blagojs technicians which made him become the cold person that hates girls engineeres

and people stopping his bio weapons as the end of the video ended they didnt eat their breakfast and asked how could some one do this to sharp with blagoj responding people with power and corrupted do that as

they finished their breakfast blagoj and sharp meet the commander and told him their stories when he told them of the sangvis ferri being an army blagoj told him this

griffon commander:the sangvis ferri have an army

blagoj:dont worry i have an old frieund that has an army that will help us only if we are outnumbered or nearly killed on a mission

griffon commander:thank you before they can rush g11 came to the room and told them this

g11:my team is in trouble i was sent here to get help

blagoj:dont worry we will help sharp lets go

sharp:nods as they received where the rest of 404 team are located and exited the base

quickly  to reach them before they are killed by the enemy one thing is certain this will be a difficult mission

Two soldiers in a diffrent worldWhere stories live. Discover now