special chapter(yandere problems)

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we zoom in the base where blagoj and sharp went to look inside and found the commander was not here as they found a letter adressed to them it was written by the commander it went like this dear blagoj and sharp if you

are reading this i was invited to speak to the joint chief of staff and i wont be back untill next week the reason i lefted is because the t dools have begun to act strange to keep me from leaving

and you maybe next keep your selfes away from them to help you in this i gave you one of my own bunkerse which will protected you from the t dools yanderes use it to survive make sure you arent caughted if you are

caughted try and satisfy them or escape do not reject them or you will be killed i will see you next week signed by the commander of groufen and krueger

ps:the metal gear rex and ray were rebuilt  and we also gave bladewolf an upgrade stat safe out there boys

blagoj:dammit we got yanderes on our side  after us whats wrong sharp

sharp:points behind them as there was ar team and 404 behind them

m16m4m4sop ar 15:ara ara where do you think you are going boys

hk416 ump 9 ump 45 g11:there is no escape just surrender

blagoj:bladewolf where is the bunker

bladewolf:its outside run

blagoj:run sharp

sharp:nods as they were running to escape the yanderes including all the t dools were chasing them as they run for their lifes blade wolf followed them and gave them direction to the bunker as they got in bunker locking the exited as they look in front of them were large number of foods and drinks along with instand

meals ready incase they run out of supplies as bladewolf showed them the hangar it had where the metal gears ray and rex and the titan tank were stored as they looked they forgot their weapons and chosed to get

them as they reetenred the base they managed to get their weapons and as they got in the bunker blagoj knows that someone is inside that someone was ar team and 404 squad it was the end

ar team and 404:ara ara there is no escaping boys

blagoj:girls snap out of it this isnt you

ar team and 404:its us the real ones they were shot by a tranqluzer darts as they resisted from falling asleep  as they resisted for a few hours and they were knocked down as they woke up in a room they were unfamilar with both of them

blagoj:sharp where are we

sharp:shakes his head and doesnt know as they look in front of them was ar team and 404 squad without their clothes with blagoj blushing while sharp attempting to free both of them from this restrainted it was proving difficulted

ar team and 404 squad:oh boys this time there wont be anymore escape ara ara

blagoj:sharp try remove those restraints

sharp:shokes his head he couldnt

ar team and 404 squad:lets get started as they aproached the boys

blagoj:it was nice knowing you sharp as he salutes him he did the same the night was filled with moaning pleasure etc as the day came the ar team and 404 squad were sleeping from their long makeout session while blagoj and

sharp managed to enter the kitchen room to prepare breakfasted for themselfes and the girls as the girls entered the kitchen the breakfasted was prepared and got to eat both of them

blagoj:i hope you are happy on what you did

ar team and 404 squad:what happened to us

sharp:points out that they tranqluizerd them tied them to a bed and had fun all night

blagoj:yea my frieund said that lets hope this doesnt happened again

ar team and 404 squad:lets hope

so they continued their day with more training and the commander was shocked to find out the t dools were back to normal this yandere personaliy lasted one day a least everything is back to normal

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