The curse of Roman Sanders (Part 2)

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Triggers: Fear, loneliness, murder and crying

Janus entered his room,  it was the same room he and Roman used to share, Janus still missed Roman a lot. He unpacked his stuff and opened his notebook, he'd been writing down all the suspicious stuff ever since Roman's death.


Patton got over Roman's death unnaturally quickly, while Remus seemed odd, he has been for the last couple years, Logan has been more protective of Patton and Virgil, I think he feels guilty for all the stuff he's said to Roman.

Suspects are, Patton and Remus

Janus closed his notebook, he went to go visit Roman's grave, it was 8 pm, the ride there was a long ride, he looked at Roman's grave, full with flowers, all beautiful like Roman, Janus sat down and, talked, he talked about his life, he wanted to talk, he talked for about an hour, he was about to leave until he felt something latch onto his leg, a vine, luckily it didn't have thorns, Janus looked at was clinging onto hit and he saw something or someone emerge from Roman's grave.

It looked a bit green and dead, flowers growing through it's skin. Janus was paralyzed in fear, he was scared, the thing fully emerged from the grave, "...Roman...?" Janus said as he recognized that face, that sweet dead face. "..J....a....n....u......s" Roman said as the vines latched more onto Janus, trying to drag him down into the grave.

Roman wanted to be with Janus, he's waited years to see Janus again, he's mistaken men for Janus before and killed them, but, surely this is Janus. Roman hugged Janus, he was still short, even in death. He looked into Janus's eyes, pulling him in the ground.

Janus got lost into Roman's perfect eyes, it felt like he can see Roman's tint of blush, Roman always got flustered easily, Roman's eyes were hypnotizing, Janus leaned in a bit, wanting to give Roman a kiss for the first time in 3 years, but just as their lips were about to touch, Janus realized that Roman was pulling him into the grave, Roman was always clingy in a cute way.

Janus had to pull away, some of the vines snapping off of him, it took a lot of strength, when he fully escaped the vines he saw a glimpse of Roman's face before Roman returned to his cold grave, he looked sad, and lonely, longing for Janus's warmth.

And then, the grave looked normal again, full with it's beautiful flowers, Janus pinched himself to check if he was dreaming, but he couldn't be, it felt so real to him, like if Roman was back into his arms. He went back to his room, an hour had passed by, he didn't realize how quick time pasted. He sighed, he was about to close the door, but he left a little opening, a part of him wanted Roman to sneak back in and cuddle him like years ago, but that wont happen, Roman's dead and he has to accept it.

Janus went to sleep, not before adding something in his notebook.

"The rumors are true"

??? Pov

I was at the garden, late at night as usual, my lover was waiting for me, in our bedroom, I love snuggling him, I hope to marry him one day and adopt lovely cats, that'd be splendid. I hummed as I watered the beautiful roses, they were always my favorite, the flowers are like my babies. I walked around as I watered the flowers, singing a nice toon, then a stopped when I heard someone behind me, I turn around and smile.

"Hello-" I was cut off by their hands gripping my neck, it hurt, I couldn't breathe, I kicked and squirmed, trying to escape their grasp, I don't want to die! Not now! I cried as I start losing my breathe, all I can think if is my lover, I try saying his name, trying to call him to help me, to save me, "..J....a....n....u......s" I cried out, hoping that somehow he'd hear me and come to save me from the man choking me, I can hear someone behind him, did Janus hear me? I don't know... Everything turned black.

When I awoke I was under dirt and scared, I dug out, I felt so cold, my garden looks dead and sad, I water the plants, I hear people coming, I saw one of the men, he looked like Janus. They screamed for some reason, one of the men attacked me with a shovel and I panicked and attacked them back, vines latched onto them, like if I were controlling them, suddenly I blacked out, then next think I know is, there's 3 ghost, faceless, scared, next to me, they looked like the people who screamed at me, I'm scared, what's happening to me?

Years has passed, I miss my Janus, I miss when he hugged me, kissed me and cuddled you, I miss him so much, I keep seeing men that look like him, I keep blacking out, I keep seeing more and more faceless ghost appear, the old ones disappear with time. I rise again, this time, I see someone just like Janus, his same body, height, face, voice, he was talking about life, he sounds like my Janus, out of excitement to see my lover again, I latch on a vine onto him and rise fully, he looked shocked and scared at me.

I try pulling him into my grave with me, we can live happy again! We can be together again, I wanted to cry out of joy, I hugged him, he hugged back, I know this is my Janus, he has the same warmth, the same touch, he makes me feel nice and warm, I stare into his eyes, admiring his beautiful eyes, he stared back at me too, if I can blush, I'd be blushing, for once, I'm not scared or lonely, I'm happy, he leans towards me, our lips are about to touch, I'm happy.

But... He pulls away, he pulls away out of my vines, out of my arms, he's fully out and I start going back to my grave, I look at him with sad lonely eyes as I go into my grave, I don't want to be alone, I want to be with my Janus, I don't wanna be scared anymore! I won't to yell for Janus to take me with him, to leave the door a bit open for me, I don't want him to leave again, "s.....t...a.....y......p...l...e...a..s.....e" I cried out, but he was already gone. Suddenly all the feelings came back from the first day of being dead, I'm scared, lonely, I need someone, I need Janus to comfort me through my tears.

I'm so scared

The end of pt 2, pt 3 might be the last part, there will be like, 1-3 endings, hope you enjoyed it! Byeeee, also tell me who you think murdered Roman. Words 1151.

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