Hoodie x Reader (Cute)

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(Suggested by Ask_Moonie. Sorry it was so late XD And thanks to all of you for 2k reads!!!)

"Remember to be home before 7:00, (Y/N)" Your mother called after you. You nodded and ran off. Your family was new to the town but you already had a favorite hangout spot. Rosswood park, a lot with vast woods near it. You never went into the woods, but today you were feeling curious, so you went in.

Wow... Was all you thought as you walked in. The place was gorgeous, the trees huge and the plants vibrant. Something made a chill run down your spine, but you shrugged it off, and went further in. You eventually came to a large tunnel. For a second, there seemed to be a person sitting there, but when you blinked, the person vanished. Probably my imagination, you thought.

You went towards the tunnel, running your hand along the side of it, feeling the metal. You stopped short when you heard footsteps behind you. You whipped around and saw what looked like someone in an orange hoodie quickly run by, dissapearing into the undergrowth. You chased after him, wanting to know who he was. You finally caught up with him near a large house, almost a mansion.

"Wait!" You called out. He turned around and you saw that he seemed to be wearing a mask of sorts, with red eyes and a red frown. A ski mask, maybe. He stared at you then ran towards you. Taken by surprise, you turned and started to run and tripped after a few steps. You felt yourself being picked up and found yourself face-to-mask with the man.

"Why are you here? You shouldn't even know about this place!" He said. It was muffled through the mask, but only slightly.

"Know about what? Rosswood? I come here all the time." You asked. He just mask-palmed.

"No, the mansion. How do you know about the mansion?" He asked. You stared at him, confused.

"I didn't know about it until you came charging past the tunnel."

"Why did you follow me?"

"I wanted to know who you were."

He looked at you, then you think you heard him sigh.

"My name is Hoodie." He began. "I'm a proxy of the Slenderman. That, there, is the Slender Mansio-" You cut him off.

"Slenderman's real?!?!?!" You asked in shock. He nodded, and you almost fainted. The faceless man who kidnapped children... He was real?!?!

"Yeah. I'm his proxy." Hoodie repeated.

"What's a proxy?"

"It's like a helper."

"But what do you do-" He cut you off by pressing his finger to your lips.

"Shh. Someone's coming. Hide there." He said, pointing to a bush. You ran to it and dove behind the branches, staying as still and silent as possible. You saw someone else walk around, he was wearing a white hoodie with the hood pulled down, but the hoodie was stained with red stuff. He had messy black hair as if he hadn't washed - or cut - it in a while, and held a knife in his hand. It was stained with the same red stuff as his jacket. You started wondering if it was what you thought it was...

But the most startling aspect was his face. His lips, and parts of his cheeks, were cut off, forming a blood-crusted smile. His eyelids were nonexistent, making his already freaky eyes even more terrifying. His skin was a bleached white and had a leathery look to it. You nearly fainted, but kept your cool.

"Hoodie. Slendy's got a mission for you." The man said. Hoodie seemed to jump a bit.

"What is it, Jeff?" He asked. The man called Jeff's smile seemed to grow wider.

"New victim. Someone named (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." You immediately froze, and felt yourself going pale.

"Um... Y-Yeah, I'll get right to it..." Hoodie said, stumbling on his words.

Jeff suddenly looked curious. "Do you know (Y/N)?" He asked. Hoodie shuddered slightly.

"N-No..." He said. He coughed to clear his throat. "No. I don't."

Jeff sighed. "Alright then. See Ya." He walked off. Just as he was out of sight, a knife came whizzing through the trees and landed in the trunk of one just next to Hoodie. You could hear Jeff's laughter as he walked off.

Hoodie suddenly ran to the bush and pulled you out. You followed him as he ran back towards the tunnel. You wondered why he was helping you and then he pulled his mask up to reveal his mouth.

And kissed you.

You stumbled back, taken by surprise, and stared at him, mouth wide open.

"(Y/N)... I couldn't let him hurt you. I had no idea until now but... I think I like you." You could see his blush under his mask. You smiled and then gave him a big hug.

"I like you too, Hoodie..."

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