Prosciutto x Reader

43 1 3

TW// dub-con, degrading, spanking

Smoke could be smelt throughout the room as Prosciutto sat on the couch, reading his free time away. Becoming desperate for his attention you sat beside him, looking at him with puppy eyes and pouty lips. His eyes never faltered from the newspaper, "What could you possibly want?" He asked, voice cold and harsh. The room felt like it could snow with how he spoke, "I was just wondering if you were going to spend all day reading, you haven't been off in awhile so-" cut off, he began to speak again. "Why do you always insist on being so needy?" Doubling down like a scolded child you backed away, "I'm sorry Prosci, I just wanted to spend time with you is all."
"We are spending time together right now, aren't we?" He asked, finally turning to you.
"Well technically yes, but you're reading."
"I don't see the problem here." He protested, acting oblivious to your needs. You sighed, giving up on voicing your concerns, your head hung low. Prosciutto raised an eyebrow before turning back to read. Getting up you went to your shared room, laying on the bed. Your body ached, unsatisfied from his insistence on being alone. You felt your hands place themselves on your stomach before traveling lower. Contemplating, you knew you were in deep waters if you were caught. But lust clouded your judgement, and Prosciutto wouldn't satisfy you anytime soon so you rationalized your decisions. Hands dipping into your undergarments, you felt around your slightly slick entrance. Moving up to gently press onto your aching bundle of nerves, slow and steady your fingertips circled it. Your eyes flutter closed as soft gasps escaped your lips. Your moment of bliss was temporarily snatched from your grasp as the door creaked open, welcoming Prosciutto. Leaning in the door way, an unsatisfied frown plastered itself onto his face. "Of course I'd catch you desperately getting yourself off like a cheap slut." Harsh words fell from his lips as his scowl was tangible. You quickly took your hands out your pants, covering yourself with the blankets. "Don't hide from me now, you were so desperate to get off in any way possible before." The blonde Italian spoke as he approached the bed, standing at its side. "Continue, since you insist you can do it yourself." His order echoed in your mind as he ripped away the sheets, opening your legs. "First, take these off." Motioning to your pants, sliding them off along with your underwear, your heated core was exposed for him to see. "Now go on, I know you have no complaints as I've seen everything before." He scoffed, you only nodded, bringing your finger tips back up to your clit. Slowly you began to get yourself off again, pushing harder against your pearl. His oceanic eyes never leaving your soaking cunt, "Faster." His voice barely registered at first as all you could focus on was finally feeling pleasure, "Don't make me repeat myself." He spoke again. Rubbing faster your legs started to tremble, wanting to close themselves. Prosciutto's grip never loosened, his finger tips digging into the supple skin of your thighs. "You couldn't even control yourself for a few minutes. I would've been done and taken care of you, but you had to ruin that didn't you?" You didn't reply, solely focused on chasing down that burning pit in your abdomen. "Stop."
"Huh?" You asked, not fully hearing him.
"I said stop you filthy degenerate." Doing as you were told you took away your shaking hand from your core. Laying still, you waited for his next demand, "On your knees, ass up." You scrambled, without missing a beat, resting on your knees. Your bottom hung in the air displaying all of your goods to him like you were a sweet desert. "You're going to count for me, if you do so much as stutter, I'm restarting."
"Ye-" SMACK!
His large hand came down on your left ass cheek, he watched closely as the skin jiggled and began to turn red. A small whimper erupted from your throat. "Ahem-" he cleared his throat, "One!" You spoke aloud. Another strike to your bottom, "Two." You responded again. After the eighth repeated attack, you felt your eyes begin to water. Your fingers clutched the sheets as you desperately tried to stay calm, not wanting the entire night to be Prosciutto spanking you, although you doubt he'd have a problem with it. Another smack could be heard through the room, "Number?"
"Nine-" you breathed out. "Only six more." He spoke, his voice calm and composed while you were breaking beneath the seems. He continued to land soul wrenching hits to your sore bottom, your lip beginning to bleed from how bad you bit onto it. "Where are we?"
"Thir...teen." The number came out slow and delayed. He stood back, "You can't even follow simple orders can you." The words themselves making you shiver. "I should just spank you until you cry. Look at you, basically dripping, you wouldn't be in this mess if you could fucking be patient for once." He spat, his words stinging more than the hits.
"Prosciutto please, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'll be patient next time, I've learned my lesson. I'm sorry for being such an eager whore." You apologized, choked sobs escaping your throat.
Folding his arms across his chest, he leaned down. "Begging won't save you now." He whispered, patronizing your misery.
"I don't want to hear it!" He shouted, another smack landing onto your ass. "If you can be good enough, and not cry, maybe just maybe, I'll let you cum." He promised. You nodded, more spanks followed routinely and faster than the ones before. You lost count, trying to blink away the tears in your eyes. "Let me see." Prosciutto stopped, grabbing your head to face his, his thumb opening your eye more. "Finally you listen, you're lucky I'm feeling generous." Releasing your face, the assassin, stripped his clothes. The only thing left on his toned body was his iconic black choker, grabbing his cock, he guided it to slowly slide inside of your gaping entrance. Inhaling sharply, he grabbed onto your shoulder, a soft groan escaping his lips as his eyes snapped shut. "See? You could've just.. asked." He spoke through shaken breaths as he began to thrust. His hips snapped against your sore bottom, the skin moving like gelatin against his precise movements. Powerful, deep thrusts could be felt as your walls tightened around him. "You're so tight for a whore." More degrading statements poured from his lips as his cock twitched inside of you. "You're going to take my cum, like the needy bitch you are." His pace quickened, making sure to abuse and pound that certain spot that made your body shake with euphoria. His hand came up, wrapping around your neck he squeezed the sides roughly. Bending down to speak into your ear, "You can cum now, I know how much you've been waiting. Show me how good you can really be, so desperate to fit every order I give you. My perfect little harlot." His words sent you over the edge, your body shivering and convulsing uncontrollably. Your orgasm racked through your system, as sweat dripped down the mountains of your cheeks. Prosciutto's release filled you to the brim, coating your walls with a thick white. He remained inside of you for a moment, before pulling out. The sounds of your pants mixed with his reverberated around the room, "Are you in too much pain?"
"No." You shortly responded.
He nodded behind you, laying down, you laid on top of his sculpted chest, his hands rubbing small circles on your back. "Good, next time learn to ask when you want something."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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