I Survive

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War. It can consume you, mind, body and soul. But before it does, the adrenaline of being out on the field rushes through you. Bullets whizzing past you, but you still keep pushing forward into the fray. But after it's all done, you stop and look around you. Your comrades have fallen, and the wounded scream for help. Your eardrums are ringing in the aftermath of battle.

I never wanted to be a soldier. I wanted to be a lawyer and defend the helpless. But after the invasion I had no choice. All males 18 and older had to enlist. I hoped that my name some how was skipped over, but the call came.

I went through bootcamp and excelled so much that they put me ina super soldier experiment. I was never tired, never felt pain. I could go days with out sleeping. Everything was going fine until one day it went horribly wrong.

Monday 23june2015 0500 hours

"Alright ladies rise and shine!". I groaned. My squad leader's voice was like a frog on crack. I climbed out of bed and went to the head so I could get to chow. I stood at 6'5 195 pounds of solid muscle. My ice blue/grey eyes were alert as I rinsed off my face

" Hey Palmer get over here", called my spot buddy Perez. I was a sniper, a damned good one too. I could hit a target 1200 yards away. Im just that nice.

"What do you want Perez? I'm starving and want to eat" I whined.

" Did you hear? They are sending the special ops squad out to the desert tomorrow dude! We are finally going in!"

I blinked. Finally we were going to prove how tough we were. Fuck breakfast. I ran to pack my things with a huge grin on my face.

Later that day, I turned into my bed nice and early. In the middle of the night, I heard a bang.

"Shots fired, shots fired!" I shot up. The alarm went off. SHIT what the fuck was going one. Perez ran over to me and whispered the words base under attack in my ear. I froze. What was happening.

"Alpha and Bravo companies flank left! Move move move!" I quickly got dressed in my black cammies and and got my weapons. Heading to the door I peeked outside. On the ground, I spotted one of the nurses. Signaling to her with my hands, I motioned for her to move towards safety.

I crept outside and swept the area. All clear. I kept moving forward, sweeping left to right. My super senses picked up no sounds but the the gunfire up ahead. I closed my eyes and listened harder. One pair of feet. Male about 6'3. I hid and crawled forward. Through the darkness, a figure approached me with his weapon dran on my head.

A/N: New story check it out. Thanks.

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