Chapter 2

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I froze and looked up at the gun that was aimed at my head. Slowly I put my hands up in a sign of surrender. My assailant lowered his gun slightly. I smirked. Dumb ass. I struck out swiftly, grabbing his arm and breaking his elbow. He screamed out in pain. I flipped him over onto his back and gave him 3  quick, but powerful jabs to the face. He stopped moving, unconscious.

Continuing on my way, I pulled my 9mm gun out of its holster and slid the safety off. I wanted to be ready for anything. My foot falls were silent as I sped down the passage way.  Turning left, I slowed down and listened for any sounds. I breathed in slowly and smelled gun powder and blood. What the hell was happening. I turned on my radio and  spoke into it. 

"Can anyone on channel 2 hear me? Hello?" 

The radio crackled for a few seconds before someone spoke "This is Sgt. Rogers on channel 2.  Report!" Jeez what an ass. 

"This is Cpl. Palmer from the Special Ops Div. What's going on Sgt.??? The lights are out over here and I've already taken down one hostile. I'm looking to rendezvous With my team shortly. " I reported.

"Ok Cpl. You go meet up with your team and then I want you all to head to HQ ASAP. Semper Fi Cpl.  HQ out."

Sighing, I ran towards the rendezvous point. I spotted Perez, Jones, Takada, and the Smith twins.

" Guys I just spoke to  SGT. Rogers over at HQ. He wants us to meet up there. I'm guessing he has a plan for a counter attack or some shit like that."

"Fuck man. All I want is a pretty girl to ride my dick and make me a happy man," Perez whined.

We all looked at him in disgust. Perez was a fucking horn dog, but he always had my back. 

I stretched my body and picked up my gear. "Ok guys. Here is how the formation is going to be. Since I outrank all you jerks, I'm obviously lead. Perez, I need you on my 6. Takada and Jones, you two are on my left . Twins on my right. I want us to move fast and silently. All weapons free.  Keep it close but not too tight. Let's move out. Hoo-rah!"

We headed out in formation, keeping and eye on our surroundings. The only sounds were gunfire in the distance and the crunching of sand and gravel under our boots.

As we moved through the night, we heard sounds of fighter jets approaching. I looked up and noticed that they didnt have USN markings. FUCK!

"RUN!" I shouted. We hauled ass as fast as we could. Bullets hit the ground around us, bringing up dust . Suddenly I heard the unmistakable sound of a missle being dropped.

We. Were. Fucked.

A/n : Here's chapter 2 loves.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2012 ⏰

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