Chapter 6 Part 2: Only the Savior can save you.

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 (A few hours before! Johnny POV!) 

The acts that I do for Mr. Moon have been going well. The checks that Mr. Moon gives me are enough for my needs with a little something extra. I usually put the extras in my savings account. People recognize me from the streets and ask for a photo which I enjoy doing. I never thought I would be this popular. Someone like me having fans was crazy for me to think about. Even my coworker have fans. The gang is always together to get things done in time. We have many shows to do throughout the week. Ms. Crawly is crazy as ever. I hope she never changes. She is a rare jewel. I'm quite happy when I'm outside being myself and having fun. My personal life is the exact opposite. I just got my father out of jail with all the money that I have been saving. The person I called father hasn't changed one bit. In fact, prison made him worst. Night after night I hear bloody screams coming from underneath my room.  My father's friends come over more often now and they drink off into the night. I usually lock myself in my room the minute I get home worried sick that I might be harmed in any way or worse. I worked my ass off for him to leave prison and this is what I get. I thought he changed ever since that night he came to me and said that he was proud of me. It felt like he really meant it and that he could be my dad again. But I was wrong. I have all these feeling about it that makes my chest feels heavy underwater. It feels like someone keeps putting more every single day and there is nothing I can to stop it. I try to swim up to the surface but I keep losing air. I lost so much air that everything becomes dark. 


I snapped out of my thought

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I snapped out of my thought. I snapped out of my closed-off headspace. I slowly turn my head to look around the dark yet small room.  I could see everything that has been given to me and everything I worked for. Everything that I put sweat and tears into. Everything that I fought for. My desk, My wallet that has my money, the posters of my favorite bands, my nightstand, and the picture of the night the gang lives changed forever.  Everything seemed so clear but then became blurred by my own selfish greed. I wanted to be famous not for the money but to be proud of the work I put into my career. I wanted to be known for something but not by other people but by my family. I wanted a father who would care. I wanted to love and to be loved. Little did I know that would my own father would change but not for the better. He would help a man that would take all my love away from me. 


I leap off my bed and dashed out the door. "Thump Thump Thump."  The sound of my feet after taking each step down the stairs. I hop off the last step and make my way to the living room hoping that nothing bad happened or at least he sober. I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach. My gut was not telling me that. My gut was telling me danger ahead.  I walk into the living room feeling cold but yet the room was hot. My body was reacting to fear. I had so much fear of my father. Once I enter the room all eyes were on me. Their harsh glares were stern. The vibe the room was giving was off was weird as I watch my father with his friends come near me. They were huge and much bigger than me giving me an unsettling feeling. They could kill me if they wanted to and get away with it.   

"Johnny come here now. We have much to talk about." 

Hearing those words made me feel sick to my stomach.  I know I did something wrong or they want something from me. 

"Ye- yeah, dad. What's going on? What do you need?" 

'He seems sober. At least somewhat.' 

"We want you to drive us away to another city so we won't get caught. You messed up last time. Don't make the same mistake again. You are coming with us." 

"What did you do? What do you mean "so you won't get caught?"  

"Johnny don't ask questions. Just do it. We leave at 3:00 AM. Pack your stuff. We are not coming back."

This fire that was burning inside of me just got bigger as if my father just put the last piece of wood into the fire. My whole body was engulfed in flames. I slammed my fist against the wall near me. My father's friends startled backward and I sneered. 

"Wait so let me get this straight you want me to drive to somewhere I don't know just so you can get away from something you did. You want me to throw everything that I worked for to give myself a better life for you. You want me to leave my friends for you because of your fucking bad habits. You steal from people!! You manipulate people to do your bidding. To do your fucking dirty work. I'm done with the abuse. I'm done with you coming late at night drunk banging at my door saying I'm nothing. That I'm a nobody. That I'm not like you or I'm a fucking disappointment. Well, you know what dad I'm a great singer who has dreams! Real big dreams.Dreams that don't get me into jail! Dreams that you can't even imagine! SO GO FUCK YOURSELF!!" 

I dashed out of the garage door onto my skateboard while my father's jaw was on the floor. I can hear his friends screaming my name from down the road.  I just kept pushing faster so they won't chase after me. It felt like ages and my limbs were becoming numb. I had no feeling in my body but my mind was full of them.  The feelings in my head made no sense. I think I did the right thing but he is my dad. People help out their fathers, right? I mean I did leave them alone and he might go to jail again then all my hard work to get him out would have been for nothing.

 'Shit. I have no place to sleep. I can't stay with the gang. Rosita has her family to take care of, Ash has her roommate, Mr. Moon sleeps in a drawer, and everybody else has their own problems. I shouldn't be a burden on them. I can figure it out on my own, I always have. Maybe I can go to a motel.' 

I look in my pockets and I find $20. Barley anything.  

'Not enough. I left my wallet in my room! dammit!'

 I stop my skateboard with a pound of my foot. I rum my long fingers over my face trying to figure out the best thing to do in this situation. 

'Bingo! I can find an abandoned building and stay there for the night

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'Bingo! I can find an abandoned building and stay there for the night. It might not be the best idea but it's a start.'

I look around and my eyes stop at a huge old building. 

I grab my skateboard and walk my way toward it. Once I get to the door I notice there were locks. I manage to pick it from what my father taught me a while ago and head inside without a second thought. The cold air ran through my face. I look around and saw the inside of the building was brand new and clean. Unlike the outside.  I left the room and try to find somewhere to sleep. 

'Strange. That's why Ash told me to never judge a book by its cover. I guess she was right.'

I got lost by wandering around trying to find somewhere to stay. I walk towards a long hall with many doors and alarms rang on the walls of the hallway. I began to try to find my way out of there knowing I broke in. While I was running I found something or should I say, someone. Her hair was only on the top of her head while she had the flesh of a pig. Her voluminous and wiry hair on her head was beautiful. Her nose was pointing out but not like Rositas.  She looked like something out of this world. She had something sharp with her. Her eyes looked straight at mine. Her dark orbs glistening with the ghosts of her past. The alarms were getting louder and I heard footsteps. 

'Crap. What do I do now and who is she? Why does she look so different?  What did I get myself into?'

Johnny x reader    The Failed ExperimentWhere stories live. Discover now