First day

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Flakys POV

It's my first day at this new school and I'm really scared. Ever since me and dad moved house things just seem different. Secondary school is hard enough, but it's going to be even worse coming in the middle of the year. I hope I make some good friends.

*slight wimper*

"Don't worry Flaky, I'm sure you'll fit in right away," My dad tried to comfort me as we pulled up outside the school.

"I hope your right," I tried to smile for farther, he hasn't hanndled things well since mums death.

I stepped out the car and looked around, it was even bigger than I expected. Everyone was entering in groups all chatting and laughing together, so I felt I would be intruding if I asked where to go. It was then I saw a tall boy with short green hair. He was the only person I had seen by themselves, so I had to use this oppertunity.

"Ummmm e-excuse me, b-b-but do you know were I'm meant to go?" I could barley talk without breaking out into tears, hy did I have to be so shy!?

"Oh are you new or something? Well if so you should go to see the hedteacher," He said looking slightly uncomfortable yet still smileing brightly.

"Yeah, I-I am new, this is my first day, could you direct me p-please?" It came out more as a whimper, but he seemed to understand.

"I'm going that way anyway, so I could walk you there if you want," He said brightly.

"Thank you!" I said a lot more comfortably, but then I went back to being scared.

He was so kind, but then it dawned on me that once we got to her office I would be alone again. I realized how silly that sounded and I blushed a violent red colour. I just hope he didn't realize.

Breaking the silence the boy says, "Her office is just up ahead, by the way if you ever need me my name is Flippy and I'm in 9T tutor group."

"Oh ok then, thanks again so much. My name is Flaky and I don't know my tutor group yet, but I'm in year 8," He was in the year above! I can't believe I didn't notice, still dosen't mean we can't be friends.

Hello Peoplez reading this, xD

I hope you liked the first chapter, please comment what you thought I ould love to hear peoples opinions on this! :)

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