the new Boy - Part one

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Hey guys in this story Harry is older than Louis. Hope you enjoy it!


Louis took a deep breath as he walked up the stairs of his new flat. As he opened the door a cold gust of wind hit him even though it was mid August. Stepping inside Louis put down his luggage and examined the new place he would call home for the rest of his high school years.

He picked up his suitcases and traveled upstairs claiming the second biggest bedroom as his own. Louis closed his eyes as he remembered the laughs he shared with his old friends in London. Now he was all alone in the town of Doncaster with a new school, new house, and no friends.

" Louis could you come and get some more boxes plz!" His mom yelled so that she could be heard.

" I'm coming, just let me unpack a little." Louis answered as he sat on his new mattress.

He sighed as he made his way to the dresser, which would be the new home of his clothes. Slowly unpacking he thought of the faces of Zayn and Niall as he waved goodbye to them earlier that day. Tears started to roll down his face as he was shakened by the thought of not being the "fabulous trio" anymore and reminding himself he has to starting all over again.

As he finished he started to sing, that was his secret talent besides being great at football. (Soccer) Singing reminded him of the small band he use to be in and sang some more. He wanted to be sad forever but made his way down stair.

" Anymore I can take?" Louis asked his mom as he opened the door leading outside.

" Yes Louis there is one more box in the trunk if you don't mind. Oh and don't forget we have to get your school papers and schedule tomorrow, okay?" His mom said with a slight smile.

" Sure mom," he rolled his eyes, " I can't wait to start school." He stomped out the door and slightly slammed it on the way out.

His mother sighed as she opened the boxes that were labeled kitchen. She just wished for her son to be happy and like the new school we would be attending. Five minutes later, Louis came back into the house not saying a word as he hung family photos on the living room wall. Finally, he finished sluggishly walking up the steps and he went to bed without eating. He was too depressed to eat, to depressed to do anything.

Louis alarmed blared over and over until he couldn't stand it. He pried himself from the comfort or his bed and walked over to the dresser. Almost dropping his phone, he turned the alarm off and tiredly walked back to his queen size mattress.

Not longer than a minute later Louis's mom comes marching in shaking him away. Louis pretended to be asleep wishing she would leave on her own. Unfortunately, she did not and smacked him with a pillow that was on the side of the bed. He aroused from his pillow as he glared straight into his mother's eyes as spreading through his body. If it wasn't his mother or a girl he would have tackled her already, but he had to hold back.

He started to get out of bed and walk to his dresser. He grabbed his red low neck t shirt and black skinny's from his top drawer. "I'll be ready in thirty minutes!" He shouted as he walked to the bathroom.

As he stepped into the shower he thought about his new school and wondered if people would like him. He finger combed through his feathery light hair before rinsing out the conditioner. Louis wrapped his towel around his bottom half and another small one around his head.

After getting dressed he went downstairs and grabbed his shoes. His mom was already in the car honking the horn rapidly till she saw Louis walked out the door. He locked the door and slid into the car while his mom started the engine. It took a total of ten minutes to arrive the huge high school.

Louis eyes almost popped out of his head and his mouth resembled the shape of an "O". The high school had three levels and a lot of parking. It was empty because it was two weeks before school officially started, so Louis just looked at the huge empty nothingness. Almost feeling like an ant in the world, as he couldn't believe he will soon be attending this high school.

His mother practically had to drag him from where he was standing and into the building. Louis sat down in the office as they waited for the principal to arrive. Playing on his new iPhone 6, his mom tapped him to indicate the principal has arrived. Walking into the office he saw a bunch of trophies and awards that lined the wall. Before he knew it they were walking out of the door with his new schedule in hand.

Louis looked over his schedule over thirty times before he put it down. Somehow he go into senior math and English since his old school was so advance and full of prodigy. He was the dumbest kid there even but he thinks it may be different in this school. Sitting on his bed he looked at his phone and set a reminder that in two weeks he would have school. It was about 8:30pm so Louis decided to go to bed to pass the time. He laid his head down on his pillow and shut his eyes the slightest bit excited for school to start.


Hope you liked it! Plz comment on it because I want to know what u thought. I promise next chapter he will meet Harry!

P.S I think it will be a short fan-fiction. At a minimum of 10 parts but a maximum of 25! Thx

The New Boy ~ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now