Chapter 23:

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"Happy birthday Y/N!" yells everyone as you make your way down stairs

"Aww, thanks guys!" You say as you start hugging everyone, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Ginny, Cedric, Fred and George.

It was now the last day of school, it has been 3 weeks since Draco broke your wand, and you had luckily not seen him, 

"Here Y/N, we made you a cake!" Says Ginny and Hermione "Its strawberry, with vanilla, your favourite!" 

"Aww, thanks guys, you did not have too."

"Honestly Y/N, its the least we could do" Says Luna,

As you sit down Fred and George sit next to you, George hands you a small box.

You are puzzled but proceed to open it, there you see a wand!

It was brown with just a hint of blue, and a gem at the end, you smile and turn and hug Fred, then George

"I love it." You say

"We knew you would,"

A little while later

You and your friends are walking to the Library, to talk and work

"I am just going to the bathroom, I'll be back soon"

You say as you walk off, down a few corridors, before you reach the bathroom, you hear someone clear their throat, and you turn around to see Draco

"H-hey Y/N." He says

"What do you want Draco?" You say in a harsh tone

He walks toward you:

"I wanted to say sorry, sorry for calling you a Mudblood, and for pinning you against the wall, twice, and for calling you a slut, and for taking your wand, and for breaking your wand, you know all that stuff."

"Its okay Draco, I am way past that." You say.

He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box, a similar size to the one Fred and George gave you

"Here, happy birthday, I felt really bad for snapping your wand so, I fixed it for you." He says

"I am sorry Draco, I- I already have a new one, Freddie and Georgie gave it to me today, but thanks you."

His smile seemed to drop a bit, but not a lot. 

You turn and start walking to the bathroom, but then stop because you hear him say:

"Hey Y/N, do you think we can be friends?"

"Yeah, sure Draco." You smile, and he smiles.

A little while later

"Hey guys, I am back." You say as you arrive at the Library, with your old wand in hand

"Hey Y/N... what's that in your hand?" Asks Cedric

"Oh... strangely enough Draco gave it to me."

You can see Fred and George start to get mad

"What is it?" Ask George through his teeth

"It is my old wand."

They relax, then chuckle

"Hey Y/N, we were all thinking of going to the Quiddich world cup, during the summer, do you want to come?" Asks Ron

"Of course I do!" You say

"Brilliant, you will all meet at the Burrow, three days before the Cup."

A little while later

As you, Fred and George jump off the train, you turn around and say:

"Bye guys, I had a good time this year, see you soon!" 

"Bye Y/N" They say in sync,

You drop your bags and run over to then, to hug them, you wrap your arms around then they give them both a peck on the cheek, you can see they blushing, so you start blushing too, before running off.

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