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Yamada's POV:

Aizawa put his head on my chest! I look down at him, at his perfect face. His eyes, his nose, his jaw, his hair, his lips.. all perfect. He is the most gorgeous boy I've ever laid eyes on and  his personality is prefect too.. They way he acts all quiet and annoyed around everyone else.. but when he's with me he's different. He shows his true self. I love that about him. I love that I'm the person that he shares his beautiful smile with.. I remember when I first saw his smile, I melted. It was like I died and was in heaven and he was the angel welcoming me.. I will always remember that feeling. I want to be his angel. His warm happy feeling. His reason. I want him to feel just like I do when I'm with him. Perfect... but I know he only thinks of me as his friend. best friend. I'm happy that I'm at least that. Really happy. When I first met him it was my goal to make us best friends. I did that. Now I need a new goal.. It's a stretch, but I wonder if I can push our relationship further than just friends..

I glance back down at him, he looks up at me and I pull my head back to my phone screen. Music is playing loud from downstairs. It's weird to think that there's like 90 people down there. Maybe we should go check. "As much as I hate to disturb you, I gotta go check on the party." I explain. Shota nods and sits up. I open the door and creak down the stairs, I take a walk around and make sure the house isn't on fire. Nothing seems suspicious, other than the smell of weed coming from the basement. Who cares,  I walk to back door which was surprisingly locked. Maybe Kayama was saving the pool until everyone was completely drunk? I spin around and walk back upstairs, grabbing another drink along the way. This time I got a hard lemonade. I open Kaya's door and see Tensei and Kayama sitting the floor infront of the bed where Shota is. "HEyY you gUys are back!" I say exitedly. "Yeah! Ready for the pool?!" Kaya asks happily. "Hell yeah!" I respond. Tensei nods, "Drunk kids and a pool.. Yes please." We all look over at Aizawa. He smirks, "Screw it, Let's go!" He says jumping off the bed, drink in hand. This is a side of him I've never seen. I like it.

Short chapter sorry. More is coming very soon! And it's gonna get spicy. And now we know just how much Yamada really likes Aizawa, So get ready for big boy romance..

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