Ride To Hogwarts

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I jumped on the train lugging my trunk behind me. As I searched for an empty compartment. The sound of Fred's obnoxious yelling ran in my eyes I turned to my left to see Fred, George and another kid sitting in the compartment. I opened the door with a smile. I opened my mouth to say something but before I could Fred was putting My trunk in the overhead storage and George was dragging me into the compartment while the other kid closdd the door.
"I'm guessing your Kiley." The kid said.
"That's me. And you are?" I asked with a smile sitting beside George as Fred moved to sit with the kid who introduced himself to be Lee Jordan.
"You were the first thing the Twins started talking about." Lee said, he moved closer to me and whispered in my ear well the closest he could to whisper. "I think they fancy you." He had wide smile on his face.
"Well I sure hope they do." I laughed, "Otherwise I don't know how they would have been able to prank my Dad." Lee laughed.
"You mean to tell me she pranked who you couldn't?" He said looking between the Twins with a wide grin.
"Doesn't mean she's not an easy target." Fred said with a chuckle.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I said leaning toward Fred slightly with a fake annoyed look on my face.
"Remember your first night at the house when your dad pulled a spider on you?" Fred said leaning in so our faces were inches away, I pulled away quickly, not in disgust but just because that was my reaction and how my brain wanted me to react.
"There's a difference between manipulation of fear and pranks." I said loudly. "I'm surprised I thought the master pranker would know that." I smirked as I looked out the window suddenly growing nervous. I haven't been to hogwarts for a couple years, I've changed and have to be resorted along with the first years. My mind was swarming as Lee and the Twins argued abot godric knows what. Soon enough my eyes began to close and I was asleep.
"Kiley," George's soft voice whispered in  my ear. I groaned and buried my face into his waist, I realized that I had been sleeping on his lap but it didn't bother me, he was quite comfortable. "Kiley." George chuckled. I groaned again and moved closer into him hugging his waist. "Kiley we're gonna be there in about 20 minutes."
"Five more minutes." I mumbled into his stomach. George stood up letting my head fall onto the seat. I moaned and sat up rubbing my eyes. When I opened them there was a girl next to Fred in her robes they were snogging, I realized George and I were the only ones in our regular clothes I sat up and grabbed my robes making my way out of the compartment to find an empty one. I found an empty compartment and went inside shutting the door and closing the blinds behinds behind me. When I exited the room I accidentally ran into someone. He had platinum blonde hair with stormy gray eyes.
"Sorry." I said straightening his robes never meeting his eyes. He grabbed my wrist and his eyes searched mine as if to find out my whole life story. He let go and held out his hand for me to shake.
"Malfoy," He said, "Draco Malfoy."
"Kiley, Kiley Lu-" I stuttered at my last name.
"Go on then." He said looking annoyed.
"Kiley Lupin." I stated as if nothing ever happened shaking his hand.
"I look forward to spending time with you." He winked and walked away and he happened to be walking the way I needed to go.
"Wait!" I said running to catch up and then walking in front of him backwards. "What did you mean by that?"
"I meant I'm sure you're a slytherin."

"How can you be sure?"

"It's in your demeanor."

"Last time I was here I was a ravenclaw."

"Well this is your next time, it could change."

"How do you know." He turned to me annoyed.

"I take that back you're a Gryffindor."

"I'm guessing you're a slytherin then?"



"Stop saying sorry." He said as he rode my back against the train wall letting a couple people walk past us, his body brushed against mine. I could feel his icy breath on my lips as he just stood there staring me down his face inches from mine. From the looks of it he was a fifth year but he was a lot taller than me, then again a lot of people were taller than me. We were interuppted as Harry hit him with a spell.

"Harry!" I yelled as I bent over picking Draco off the floor and pushing off the direction he needed to go. I walked up to Harry. "First, I did not need that I was perfectly fine he didn't do anything and second, that was awesone!" I said giving him a small high five and a wide smile. We walked to the twins compartment together laughing the whole way. I said goodbye to him with a hug as I walked in the door. Fred and the girl were still snogging and George and Lee were in a heated conversation about quidditch.
"There you are." George said wrapping and arm around my shoulders as I sat down. "What took you so long?" He asked as he eyed how I wore my robes, I hadn't bothered putting the sweater on over my white button down and the tie was loosly tied around my neck and I wore a plaid skirt rather than the mucky grey one. My clothes were blah for now bu they were going to turn the color of my house once I was resorted, I secretly hoped for gryffindor, although it would very nice to catch up with my friends in Ravenclaw.
"Draco." I said simply, Fred and the girl pulled apart. While George looked at his feet once more.
"Ugh, I hate that little ferret." She said.
"Everybody hates ferrets." I  laughed.
"I'm Angelina Johnson." She said.
"Kiley Lupin," I smiled, "Well Kiley Lupin Black."
"So you're keeping both names?" Fred asked.
"They're both my Dad," I looked at Angelina, she had shock etched on her face and I realized what it sounded like. "Oh my godric, I'm so sorry, it's not like that. One's my birth Dad and the other is my adoptive Dad." I said rather awkward having made it sound like My Dad's were gay. Angelina began to giggle and I began to laugh with her, I didn't quite understand why we were laughing but we were.
"I like you," She said to me, "We're gonna be good friends." I smiled, "Oh and George I don't think she and Draco had a rouse like that you can stop scowling at the ground now." She giggled as did eveyone else I just looked at him as he straightened himself, that must be what he thought happened after seeing my robes.
"I really didn't." I whispered in his ear as everyone began their own conversations. I suddenly felt a bit angry, he has no reason to be angry, we're not together so why is he angry right now, maybe I said something. At this though I scooted down the seat and looked out the window. Five more minutes. Then I would be sorted and ready for learning. I was way ahead of curriculum I already learned seventh year topics so this year for me is a huge review, and I honestly need it. The train stopped. I stood up ready to start my new life as Kiley Lily Lupin Black.

Any plot twist suggestions?

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