Chapter 3

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"Kit, you need to make connections." Said Kurama.

"Why?" Asked Naruto.

"Because you can use those connections to your advantage. Like, you can befriend your fellow Jinchuriki." Said Kurama.

"Well, how will I find them?" Asked Naruto who just started training his taijutsu by hitting a tree.

"Well, there's Gaara of the sand, Killer bee, and Yagura. They are all tethered to their Villages, and so they will probably be there. Although, Killer bee and Gaara go on missions too..." Kurama's tails swayed as he talked. "Then there's Yugito. She's tied to Killer bee so they'll probably be together. Then there's Fuu, who's loyal to her village 100%. There are Roku and Utakata. Roku left his village, while Utakata is a rogue. And lastly Han. I know very little about him." Said Kurama.

"Well, I think we should try writing to them. If that doesn't work we'll have to go find them." Said Naruto.

"I don't like how much you said the word 'we'." Said Kurama.

"Fine, I will do it." Sighed Naruto.

Naruto left his mindscape and walked towards a desk he had in the corner of his room. He pulled out eight pieces of paper and got to work.


Naruto sighed as he finished the last letter. This was probably the hardest thing Kurama made him do so far! I mean, what is this? School!?

Naruto handed each letter to one of the eight foxes he had Kurama summon. The foxes all had seemingly glowing silver eyes and red fur with black markings. The foxes were definitely adorable, which shocked Naruto since they were Kurama's children.

Naruto watched as the foxes jumped out of the window and started their mission. He made sure that no one could open the letters unless they had Tailed Beast chakra in them to make his job easier.

Naruto then walked to the training grounds. He, Sasuke, and Sakura wanted to train together. Sakura stopped fangirling over Sasuke and the three became good friends.

"Sasuke you're doing it wrong! You're supposed to flick your wrist not use your whole arm!" Said Sakura as she helped the two.

"Hn." Said Sasuke with a sour look on his face.

"Don't give me that look!" Said Sakura rolling her eyes.

"So, when I go find them are you guys coming?" Asked Naruto. Naruto had told the two everything and they didn't treat him any different luckily.

"Of course! Is that even a question?" Asked Sakura.

"Hn." Said Sasuke.

"Is that your whole vocabulary?" Asked Naruto.



Sorry for the short chapter, but I was so busy editing in docs that I forgot to work on the chapters, and I want the next chapter to be about a specific thing.

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