Chapter Two

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An Unwanted Visitor


I awake to Mabel shouting my name once again and I practically jumped out of the leather bus seat I was sleeping in. I rub my eyes groggily and look up at my sibling.

"Dipper we're here, aren't you excited?!" she asks with wide eyes and a cheeky grin. She rocked back and forth on her feet just like a little kid would do. Typical Mabel.

I clear my throat and reply still a bit shaken up from the literal rude awakening.

"Mm, yep."

Once again I'm truly happy to be back, but it's kind of hard to be jumping up and down with excitement when you just woke up to your sister practically screaming at you.

I gathered my bags and we left the bus and strolled through downtown taking in the familiar buildings and people on our way to the Mystery Shack. I adjusted my bag carrying my computer and the journals that I practically never leave out of my sight as the scattered trees turn into clumps and then into a dense forest. We walk up the worn-down steps to our second home and Mabel reaches for the door handle.

Before opening it she looks back with a huge grin painted on her face and asks "Are you, ready bro?!"

I nod and she throws open the door revealing older Soos, smiling Gruncle Stan and Ford, Grenda, Candy, and lastly Wendy with her idiot husband Robbie.

"SURPRISE!!!" they all yell.

I can't help but smile at all the friendly faces that surrounded me.

My sibling and I spent the rest of the night talking and catching up with all the people we missed so much. Eventually, the party wound down and everyone went home. So, Mabel and I decided we should start putting up our things.

As Mabel and I finish unpacking our stuff my eyes start to droop and my thoughts become hazy. I look at Mabel and realize she was yawning and rubbing her eyes.

I sit down on the edge of my bed and say to Mabel "How about we put up the rest of the stuff in the morning and get some sleep, huh?"

Mabel just nods and crawls under her bed covers. I switch off the light switch and give her a quick good-night before walking down the hall to my room. I change into sweat pants and a loose t-shirt and climb into bed.

I began thinking about Wendy. Stupid Robbie, I always knew he'd get the last laugh.

I sigh and turn on my side and close my eyes.

I'm falling.

Falling into a deep dark endless abyss. I was screaming but no one could hear my desperation and pain. A flash of yellow and black struck my vision like lightning and somehow a cold but warm voice spoke to me.

"I won't ever let you mine Dipper Pines.~"

I awake with beads of sweat on my forehead and my hair soaked with perspiration. Just a dream all it was was a dream. But it all seemed so real.. and that voice I know I've heard it before so why can't I match it up with its owner? 

I look out the window and realize the sun is still hidden and the moon shone brightly. I quickly glance at my alarm clock which blinks 12:34. I know that after having a dream like that there is no way I can go back to sleep. Maybe I should take a walk to clear my head. Not safe but I don't care. I just need something to get my mind off of that dream... and especially that voice. I pull on a sweatshirt and slip on my shoes. Creeping down the stairs and blending in with the shadows I sneak past every door. I leave the Mystery Shack and head to the entrance of the woods. As I enter I will myself not to look around because ,well, the woods are a lot creepier at night.

Wow, this is a bad idea.

Fully being awake and realizing my mistakes I start to walk back the way I came from. Wait.. which way did I come from? Shit. Oh no.

"Damn, I'm definitely lost.." I mutter to myself definitely not expecting an answer.

"I think I can be of assistance Pine Tree." says a voice behind me.

My breath hitched at the sudden voice and my mind slowly begins to piece together the event. That's the voice from my dream and the owner is right behind me...but how? I spin around scared but eager to know who it is.

A tall and slender man, looking a bit older than me, emerges from the shadows and is now bathed with luminous moonlight. He has unnatural yellow and black hair and wears a yellow and black suit which fits him perfectly. An eyepatch over his eye and a top hat.. floating above his head? His one piercing white irised eye studies me head to toe and I look back with the opposite expression. A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth and, maybe it is just me, but he blushes a light red pigment for a split second before his face turns normal again.

Finally, breaking the silence the man says smugly "You don't remember me, Pine Tree? It's your old friend Bill Cipher."

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