A meeting.

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I was laying on the ground with my right clawed eye closed. I'm a girl with long H/C hair I never saw any point in cutting it, not like anyone's gonna see it, I have dull E/C eyes with heavy bags from sleepless nights and days of just crying. I was wearing a simple sweater with no shoulders and high waisted shorts, the sweater was cut off right over the waist of the shorts. Nothing else. My eyes stared up at the white world all around me. I felt a drop land on my arm looking down I saw blood and the mass amount of scars, but a single drop of a yellow substance, it seemed to glitch out.  I wiped it off seeing no point in it before getting up taking out my soul. It was radiating in hope, but several cracks were visible going deep inside of it a few simple holes from my pushing my fingers through cracks pushing the bits of soul out. I never felt it.

A soft ping came from my left turning I saw three screens "New Emotion: Joy."
"Would you like to delete or save?" The text was dull hold the two extra screens glowing red the other green, I pressed the red screen, "Emotion Deleted." I took my hand back and sat down as the screens faded off, I pulled my knees up to my chest hugging them gently humming softly.

"Heya." I jumped at the deep voice turning quickly to see the familiar face of Void. He's a tall man covered in a black goop That seems to continuously drip off him. He wears a suit and shorts at all times and combat boots. He's odd. I stand up facing him.

"Hello Void. What do you need?" My voice held no emotion as I had deleted them all before.

"I'd just like to let you know Brianna got the star Sans' trust. They think we're the ba-"

"Bad guy? Villain? Weed." I turned and walked off. Another screen popping up as I walked I waved it off for later. I was already upset right now I didn't need this.

I closed my eyes as I walked, suddenly it was freezing cold. Snapping my fingers I was in a crop top with shorts, a fluffy jacket and a collar, the chain on it broken in half.
"What?" I tried changing again. It didn't work. "Must be a gl-" I blinked curiously, the world was different, snow covered buildings, snow everywhere and several monsters. I walked around curiously "Another AU? Maybe that's what happ-" I was cut off by a large carrot piercing my chest in the heart. Turning I saw a bunny monster with another bunny on a leash.

"???/??? HP no damage." The bunny stepped back before running off in fear.

"Mm.." I started walking again as the carrot faded my skin and bone regaining its spot as if it never happened.

I was sitting down on a bench in a swampy area, deciding to fit in more I changed myself again, now having two large wolf ears and a fluffy tail, aswell as my canines doubling in size getting rid of two bones beside them to take more space. I bit into a bunny shaped cinnamon roll, I think the lady called it a Cinna bun. I smiled softly at the thought, she was rather nice.

"Huma- monster! Has a human passed here?" A loud voice rang through my ears, I cringed gently at the loudness looking up.

A terrifyingly tall skeleton stood there with a black and red outfit, sharp teeth, a red scarf and black eye sockets. "I haven't seen one I just got here 10 minutes ago sharp." I answered blankly eating another bite of the sugary cinnabun. He didn't seem to take this well.

"And you didn't see anything?! How pathetic can you monsters get!" He yelled at me summoning a red glowing bone. It was sharp.

"If you would look and notice things you would see I'm blind." My eyes turned white as I looked up at him. It's a good thing I can change my appearance.

"Ah.. well thank you for your kindness miss." He seemed slow to say the word kindness. "My apologies for being rash." He walked off, another set of feet following. But theirs stopped, the bench grew heavier as they did. Whoever it was was sitting with me now. After the others steps were gone I changed my eyes back to their dull blue hue and turned to them. They wore a black jacket with fake or possibly real fur on the hood, his jacket was opened showing a crimson red sweater and collar, he wore basketball shorts and sneakers which were untied.

"I've Neva seen you round here. Where ya from? Hotland's? Cause you sure are hot" the skeleton flirted, it didn't do much for me.

"I'm from another AU been around since the original started. Names Corru." I held a hand out for them, well paw.

"Nice name toots. I see my lil' flirt didn' do much huh?" He had a rough voice and accent, I can't tell where from however.

"Nah. I deleted the love emotion a while ago when I got these babies" I smiled handing him one of the Cinnabon's. He took it and smirked.

"Heh. So what's your au like? Are ya the human genderbend or somethin'?" He ate the Cinnabon.

"No. And it's complicated. I never saw much since I was trapped in a garden. I could make these beautiful midnight blue flowers, they wouldn't bloom until nightfall, and when they did the pollen popped out glowing like fireflies or stars even. They were wonderful.." my eyes lit up in joy as I spoke of them. I shook my head as my eyes dulled again.

"Heh.. you seem to really like it huh? Wha happened?"

"My sister Brianna made everybody in my au think of me as the bad guy, a weed as she put it. I was beaten nearly to death everyday, then at night she'd have a guy come over where she'd suck every last bit of positivity out of their soul to make a new one for herself. That of which she would consume for herself.."

"Wow.. you had a rough life huh?"

"Yeah but it's nothing compared to now. She's got the " star sans' " thinking I'm the bad guy too. Apparently they're strong?" I laid my head on my hand looking up at him.

"Yeah.. I'm against them in all honesty kinda.. I just sided with Nightmare to get away from boss every now and then.." he chuckled.

"Is he rude?" I sat up tilting my head.

"Eh.. a bit you saw him earlier."

I giggled softly "should I be safe to go back to my own form now?"

He seemed confused before nodding. "What cha mean?"

I snapped my fingers going back to my normal form. "I'm the human he's looking for."

His face was slightly redder as he turned away. "Sorry just don't wanna seem like a pervert."

I waved it off "you're fine don't worry. What's your AU called uh.."

"It's Sans, but There's a million of us so call me fell sweetheart" he looked at me again taking a few glances at my cleavage each time he'd apologize, the third time he just looked away in embarrassment as we were talking.

I bursted out laughing "you alright?"

"I'm fine I'm fine! Just shush."

That's it for this chapter.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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