Loving Earth

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Death is like life..

But life can never be compared to anything overparticular. Why is that?

For me I go through life and death every day. Since the world is coming to, what they tell people, an end, I won't die. Why?? Well because that was just how I was created..

God created the Heaven and the Earth, so why did they take over it? He wanted light so it came.He divided it from the darkness. What they did was mix it back together. Why?

I have asked them, they only said,"This girl is crazy, Who has been talking around her?"

They don't understand, they cursed us all..

The world used to be happy. It used to be peaceful until they were born, until they got power.The government, that is; they joined forces with nations all over the world. It was great for about a good twenty years until one man changed it, Louie Brownsville. His dad, being in the government, was never around to teach him peace. He was just stuck around tutors and maids and always wondered why they were happy.

He never understood the world so he grew up angry but faked it all the way up. He was likable and he tricked people into thinking he was trust worthy and with that he grew up well known. Always famous. When he turned the age of twenty and his father died of overdose of painkillers, he knew it was time to take over.

Chapter one~

Louie P.O.V~

"I want every house destroyed, I want schools burned, and people dead, I want reality. Whoever goes against my wishes will be sentenced to death, No court order. Destroy everything!" I told the stupid soldiers.

I want this world empty. And it's not like I did this to the world they did it. Celebrating overpopulation is not good. I'm doing this for the people. Yes, just keep telling myself that, doing it for 'the people'.

"Excuse me sir, but Experiment O97 is done."

"Oh good I want to check him out."

"I'm sorry sir but.. ugh.."

"What is it?!"

"All the domestic characteristics of the project worked except..ugh.."

"Stop this muttering or you will be sentence to death like the rest of your family. What is wrong with my experiment?"

"While in the womb of Expiriment O95, it had a recent sex change."

What do they mean recent sex change? I ordered for a boy and they gave me a women? Don't they know all women are devious monsters and are not allowed to be in control? I have to get to the bottom of this.

"Tell me, Who was in charge of this project?"

"Ugh.. Dr.Cretin sir."

"I want him sentenced to death and I want the experiment sentenced to death, AND I WANT ANOTHER GOD DAMN SCIENTIST AND IF THIS ONE MAKES ME YELL HE WILL BE TORTURED! IS THIS CLEAR?"

"Yes sir but theres one more thing."

"What is it?"

"Experiment O97 is indestructible, we can't kill her."

"Impossible I want to view this project now."

"She's in the lab sir."

These people are stupid.First they make an indestructible experiment under my orders now they make me go and see the little stupid monster.

~~~~~~~In The Lab~~~~~~

Experiment O97 P.O.V~

I seen him for the first time, yelling, screaming at my father.Father told me he was a cruel man but I didn't know he was this cruel.

"And you?" He said pointing his finger at me.

"Will be imprisoned and never seen by another human eye."

I just looked at him stupidly. My father told me to act like I couldn't speak, when others were around.

"Sir she can't understand you." My father said in a calm non-scared voice.


I don't understand how someone can ruin the Earth as bad as Louie did. I think he needs a mother to tell him to "Clean up his mess." But that's the thing he has no mother he probably killed her with most of the women.

But I guess I can help be his mother for now..

~~~~Even later~~~

Tonight will be the night I sneak out..

Father shouldn't be around to see so I'm going to wait until he leaves.

~~~~~After he left~~~~~




I can control perfectly.

Spirit and Earth I'll learn later I just have to use what I have.

As I thought of wind. Wild, wild wind, the top of the roof flew up and alarms went off.

The first time I ever seen the sky.

But no time to think people are after me.

So I jumped up and landed on the clear glass roof..

I could see scientist now entering my room and noticing my absence so I ran.

It was fun. I felt free for once in my life.

I just ran and ran until I fell.

It was through glass and I landed on the floor. My wounds healing at the blink of an eye.

And there he was, staring at a picture, not minding my presence.

Then I heard a knock at the door.

"Sir the experiment is missing."

"Go away." He shouted

I flinched and he looked at me.

He stared deep into my eyes with a longing look.

And finally he talked.

He pointed to the picture.

"Adolf Hitler."He said.

"What a fool he was" I responded hoping he would be surprised that I could talk and understand, But like most of my wishes, it never happened.

"He was a fool"He agreed instead. And looked at me.

He took my hand gently and pulled me into another door.

This time there was no glass roof and the room was huge.

It looked kind of like a second office.

He spoke the words but held his hand in mine as he sat in his chair.

"You will be a nice little lady and go back to your room and I will arrange us a marriage."

I knew what a marriage was, my father told me what it was. But why would he want to marry me? I didn't love him! And I knew immediately it was a trap. So I got up and walked back to the first office and out of the broken roof. Never looking back at the evil building.

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