Hawks x reader

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A/N Man its been a hot sec sorry for the hiatus. I kinda ran out of cute situations to put these characters in the shower and it not be sexual, but then the lovely commenter Merelleking reminded me that bathtubs exist. You can still leave suggestions in the comments my only rules are that it must include some kind of shower/bathtub/(mabye) sauna scene and it CAN NOT BE 18+ I am not ready to write that kind of stuff yet please respect my boundaries, thank you and happy reading 

     You had just gotten home from a long day at Endeavor's Internship Program. This day was somehow even more stressful then any of your other workdays. Your boss, turns out, had a backlog of work to do and didn't think that it would catch up with him, so he ended up dumping his work on all of the interns. Needless to say you were absolutely worked to the bone, and needed to relax. The best way you knew how was to take a steaming hot bath with lavender scented oil and bath salts. 

     You place all of your belongings onto the table next to you, hearing your keys clink, and taking off your shoes at the door. You headed towards the bathroom, and turned on the water. As the bathroom quickly filled with steam you reached for the lavender oil and the salt in the cabinet, and poured them into the bathtub. Then you undressed from head to toe, and slid into the steaming tub. Your skin flinched from the heat, but soon got acclimated to it. 

     You rested your head on the tub, closing your eyes as the heat hugged your body. A few minutes later, the sound of the front door opening filled your ears. Then there was walking and then a coat being thrown onto the bed.

"Hey Babe, I'm home!" Keigo called from the other room

"Welcome home, I'll be out of here in a sec." 

"Oh are you in the bath? It's fine you can stay in there, I'll come to you."

You heard the shuffling of clothes being taken off before seeing your boyfriend walk in the door with a towel wrapped around his waist, and his bright red wings poking out from behind him. You looked up and down at him admiring his handsomeness from the bathtub, then your face flushed as you noticed him staring at you staring at him. 

"Checking out the goods before you purchase?" He said with a very smug smirk (I regret writing this line....SO MUCH 😖💗💕💓)

You sank your body back into the tub out of embarrassment with your nose just above the water.  Keigo walked toward the bathtub, and took off the towel as he slid behind you in the tub hugging you from behind with his wings outside of the tub. His head rested on your warm shoulders, as he gave you a few kisses on your neck. You grabbed his head and tilted it towards you giving him a kiss on his forehead.

"So, baby bird, how was your day?"

"Exhausting, my boss just dumped a huge pile of work on my desk and just said 'finish this by tomorrow or your fired'  I mean I got it all done today, but it was still tiring as all heck."

"That's the Endeavor agency for ya, good pay but at what cost am I right?" 

You sighed, and rested yourself on Hawk's chest. He wrapped his arms around your waist and cuddled you like there was no end.

"Well songbird, if you want my honest opinion I think your overworking yourself. You do an amazing job at everything you do, but you also need time for yourself. It's really good that your doing this right now, taking a relaxing bath just make sure that you make time for you, ok?" Keigo said thoughtfully

"Ok then, Hawky"   

You gave him a kiss and went back to cuddling with him in the tub. Your eyes closed and you  almost fell asleep but you were awoken with an attack of tickles.

"Gahhh! Keigo what the- ha haha ha haha ha!" You laughed uncontrollably with water sloshing around and out of the tub. 

"You fell asleep on me babybird had to wake you up!" Keigo said with and playfully evil grin 

He stopped after a bit, and then you went back to cuddling. The steam surrounded the room making it very warm and cozy with the added lavender scent. Hawks grabbed your shoulders and started pressing his thumbs firmly against your back.

"What are you doing?"

"You said you were doing paper work all day so your muscles must be tense from hunching over the desk so I'm giving you a massage."

Keigo's fingers pressed your back and hit all of your pressure points, near your shoulders, on your neck, and in the center of your back. 

"Keigo~ That feels amazing! Since when are you such a great masseuse?"

"Since I had to learn how to properly massage my back with my wings in the way."

"You might have to switch professions, my back feels so much better now."

"Your welcome babe, it was the least I could do."

You gave him another kiss, and then deciding to get out of the tub. You reached over to grab your towel, but it had fallen and got soaked from the tickle fight from earlier. 

"Aww dang it my towel is wet!"

"I'll get you one." Keigo said as he directed some of his feathers to the closet nearby and getting a dry towel.

 They flew back to the tub where upon you grabbed the towel and went to your bedroom. Hawks soon followed after you, and got dressed in his pajama's and cuddled next to you on the bed as you both watched a movie for the rest of the night.

I hope you all enjoyed this a lot of love and thought was put into it! I'm sorry my fics aren't very long I'm trying to stay at a 1000 words or more right now so please forgive me. Don't be afraid to leave suggestions in the comments I'm always open to new ideas and story concepts. Thank You for reading!

From Sofi A 

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