Welcome to Blue Bay Harbor

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Chapter 1: (Set around episode 3)

"WE HAVE ARRIVED AT BLUE BAY HARBOR! GET OFF!" The bus driver had yelled.

I quickly got up and grabbed my luggage. I thanked the bus driver as I got off, but all he did was grumble and close the bus doors. Gosh, people these days.

"Well, he was rude." I mumbled to myself.

I turned around to see the "Welcome to Blue Bay Harbor" sign. Smiling softly I walked for a good 30 minutes before standing in front of my new apartment complex. They had already mailed me the key so I was able to get in quickly.

"Ugh, finally." I said as I dropped my luggage.

My arms were so sore after carrying all my things for the past half hour. And to think I was fit. My thoughts suddenly went to Cam and my dad. I slightly tensed at that. I was hesitant to meet them right away. Well, I just got here. Might as well settle in first. Should I order take out?

My family entered back into my mind. I haven't seen them in what, like, 15 years. I can't just spring in on them and say, "Hey I'm Isla, your long lost daughter/sister."

They could either believe me and take me in with open arms or freak out and kill me. Okay, killing me is going a little too far, maybe shunning me is way more fitting.

You see, when my mother died, she and my father sent me away to the Lightning Storm academy where I basically trained my whole life. My old sensei told me about my true family when I was 10 and you could imagine my reaction was shocking. Just before Lothor attacked, Sensei gave me the violet ranger morpher.

I have to see them as soon as possible. The rangers need all the help they can get right now since Lothor is back. I sighed. My father knew that a new ranger was coming from the lightning academy to come join the team eventually. He just didn't know who it was gonna be and when they were coming.

I decided sometime this week I was gonna see them. I just wanna rest and settle in first. Or maybe I just wanted to procrastinate and play scaredy cat.

I ordered pizza and waited for the delivery man to arrive. My apartment used to belong to an old friend of mine who used to live here (*cough cough*). But he didn't have the need to live here anymore so he gave it to me. So, It was already quite furnished and had the necessities I needed. It wasn't too big, but just big enough for me to live in it comfortably.

The pizza had arrived and now here I was eating cheese pizza on the small island in the kitchen thinking about what I could do here. I wanted to go exploring tomorrow. It would be nice to see my surroundings.

I headed to my room, got ready for bed and went to sleep with the thoughts of possible rejection haunting me.

The next morning I woke up way earlier than I usually do to get ready for the day. The nerves of excitement and fear got to me as I finished getting dressed. I wore a lavender spaghetti strapped blouse with some jeans and beige heels.

And you must be thinking, seriously Isla, heels? Well I have a talent for running in heels

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And you must be thinking, seriously Isla, heels? Well I have a talent for running in heels. But there have been occurrences where I do trip and fall once in a while. Also I wear them because I feel to short for my liking.

I didn't have any groceries yet so I decided to go out and buy something for me to eat. I bought breakfast burritos from a small restaurant nearby and walked around town for a few more hours. It was now around 2pm. I wonder if they have a skateboard park here? I like to roller skate so I want to see if there are any good parks here for me to skate at. Then I remembered.

I don't have any gear! I started to sulk. All of my stuff was left at the academy back in Angel Grove which is completely destroyed thanks to Lothor. Then a bright sign caught my eye. Storm Chargers. Interesting. I walked inside the store to only find a ton of sports supplies/gear. This is heaven. Maybe I could get a job here?

I started to look around to find any sort of gear that I could use for roller skating. I found some knee and elbow pads and a nice sturdy helmet. Just as I was having trouble finding some roller skates, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to face a boy with curly brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hey there you look a little lost, can I help you?" He asked with a dopey smile.

Oh, he's cute.

"Um yeah, do you know where the roller skates are?" He smiled and helped guide me toward the skates. "Specific size?"

"Size 6. You got them in purple?" I asked.

"Sure do!" He said as he grabbed a box with with the purple skates from the shelf.

I thanked him and went to sit down to try them on.

"Are you new around here?" I looked at him a little surprised.

"Is it that obvious?" I giggled with a light blush growing on my cheeks.

"A little. I'm Dustin." He stuck his hand out. I grabbed it and shook it.

"I'm Isla. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." He seems nice.

I looked down at his wrist to see a morpher. Most people would think it's some fancy watch. But if you're like me you know that he's a ranger. I quickly turned my gaze back to his eyes, trying to not look suspicious.

"Nice to know I have at least one friend here now."

"Nice to know we're friends."

"Do you know about any skate parks nearby?" I asked him.

"Yeah, my friend Shane goes to one. I could show it to you when my shift is done in a few minutes." He offered.

I gratefully accepted and stood up to try my skates. I took a few strides to see if they worked well. Surprise surprise. They were perfect. I took them off and put the skates back in the box.

"Fits to your liking?" He asked.

"Absolutely, I'm gonna go check out. What time are you done?" I said as I grabbed the gear I had set down earlier.

"I'll be off in five minutes. Good for you?" I nodded and headed towards the checkout.

The lady at the checkout counter, Kelly, was really nice. She even gave me a discount because I was new! I grabbed my bag and turned around to see Dustin looking a bit panicked.

He walked towards me and said, "Look, something came up. So I can't take you to the skatepark today. Maybe tomorrow?" I smiled sadly at him.

"It's fine Dustin. We can totally reschedule for tomorrow. I'll meet you here at the same time." He thanked me and quickly left the store.

I knew something was up. There had to have been a monster that Lothor sent down. I asked Kelly if she could watch my gear because I had an important errand for my apartment. Thankfully, she said yes and I left Storm Charges. I saw people running away from a shopping center.

Unlike them, I ran towards to where the chaos was. God, I'm craving potstickers right now. Now is not the time to think about food Isla!

Hiding behind a wall, I looked around the corner to see the Rangers fighting some big ugly bug like thing. I quietly snorted at how stupid the monster looked.

I walked towards a secluded area and looked around to see if anyone was there. It's Morphin Time.

"Lightning Storm! Ranger Form! Ha!"


AN: Hope you guys enjoy the first chapter of The Violet Ranger! You're probably gonna meet more characters in the next chapter depending on when I update. Peace out guys!

Power Rangers Ninja Storm (The Violet Ranger)RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now