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(A/N) Hi guys :) my name is Tae, as you can see I am writing a Fan-Fiction about the game The Arcana created by Nix Hydra. I don't own the characters of the game. But just a beginners note, my Apprentice's name is "Tae" for all of those wondering, and so that you won't get confused reading. It's not a reader x character. It will be mostly told in "Tae's" point of view. Please vote and comment if you want... don't hesitate to reach out to me on this application for anything... Anyways, I hope you enjoy :)


 I feel nothing... 

Everything is dark and cold, yet a hint of warmth envelops my body. I hear a faint noise out in the vast black distance. I strain my ears to listen... all I hear is thump thump thump thump. It almost sounds like a heart beat... i-is it mine?

Where am I?

Who am I?

Brightness begins to wrap my body... it's so warm, almost familiar.

As strain to open my eyes against the brightness of the sky. Strange noises coming from besides me, almost sounds like crying? Shapes and forms begin to take before me as my eyes finally adjust to the outside world. My entire body feels stiff, unable to move I strain as I look about my surroundings. My eyes show before me a beautiful specimen. A man with gorgeous fluffy white hair and bright violet eyes, but his eyebags stained with red and puffy. He is holding is head in his hands, weeping into the sand. His face stained with red streaks from all of the crying.

Who is he?

Why does he feel familiar?

I try to move, but the effort wasted. I try to move again, all that comes out of me is a groan. The man beside me instantly silences. He looks up in a daze. A expression of mixed feeling spread across his face. He only stares in astonishment... before he says

"It worked... I can't believe it worked! You're back!"

Before he jumps onto me in a warm embrace.

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