The Bombs Suck

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I screamed as the bombs started falling. Just as my life had started shaping up, the war happened.


The yell brought me back to reality and I noticed my friend and technically foster brother, Edmund, standing by the window. His mother was pushing him away.

"What do you think you are doing?!" She yelled. She quickly turned to me as my other friend/foster brother, Peter, rushed into the room. I was friends with Peter in school and after I was orphaned, his family took me in.

"Logan, Peter, quickly, the shelter, NOW!"

"Come on," Peter said, grabbing my arm while I grabbed Edmund.

"Wait!" Edmund exclaimed.

"Leave it!" Peter and I snapped simultaneously. We ran out of the room, joining Susan and Lucy, the last of my 'foster siblings'.

"Run!" I yelled. I clung to Peter's arm while I practically dragged Edmund along.

"Wait, Dad!"

Edmund pulled free of my grip, running back towards the house.

"ED!" I screamed.

"Edmund no!" My foster mother yelled.

"I'll get him," Peter said, dashing after Edmund. I started crying. Despite being the second oldest, I was terrified of loud noises.

"Peter, come back!" I yelled.

"Ed, come here!" my foster mother pleaded. I felt comforting arms on my shoulders, guiding me into the shelter. I turned around, seeing Susan.

"Come on Logan, they'll be ok."

I collapsed next to Lucy in the shelter, wrapping my arms around myself, rocking back and forth, whispering things only I could hear. Honestly, it scared Susan to see me like this. I was always tough, but seeing me break down made her think about how happy I was before and what had caused me to become like this. I jumped up as Peter and Edmund practically hurdled themselves into the shelter.

"Why can't you think of anyone but yourself?!" Peter barked once Mrs. Pevensie closed the door.

"You're so selfish! You could've got us killed!"

"Stop it!" I yelled. I glanced at Edmund, gaining some of my composure. He was staring at the thing he had saved. A picture in a now cracked frame of his father. I walked over to him and helped him sit up, hugging him from the side while his mother caressed his face. Peter glared harshly at Edmund.

"Why can't you just do what you're told?"

I squeezed Edmund's shoulder, closing my eyes and waiting for the nightmare to end.

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