|6| :end of the day

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school is finally over, after what felt like hours of torture. my legs are sore from the battle trials, which isn't helping me at all. now i have to walk home all tired of course.

i stood outside of the main building, waiting for shoto. we usually walk home together, and it's nice to be able to be myself around him after a whole day of being all awkward with my new classmates. i can usually talk about anything with him. he may not always reply, but he definitely listens. i can be real with him.

i didn't realize i was zoning out when i heard- my name being called. looking up, i saw kaminari walking over, a smile plastered on his face. i sighed, and smiled back.

"hey kaminari. you going home?" i asked.

"hey l/n! yea, unfortunately. what're you doing here waiting?"

"i'm just waiting for sho- todoroki. we usually walk home together. and what do you mean unfortunately?" i questioned. suddenly, kaminari's whole attitude dropped for a second. i furrowed my brows at the usually ecstatic boy.

"unfortunat- nevermind. nothing. anyways, todoroki? i didn't know you were friends. he seems like the friendless- loner type who's heart is cold as ice. quite literally," he chuckled to himself. i giggled but quickly covered my mouth. he wasn't half wrong, i mean.

"yea, we've been friends since middle school. i'm not really sure how, but things happen i guess and now we're here. he's helped me through a lot even if he may not know it," i blushed. shit, i'm over sharing. why does this happen? i can just feel suki losing it right now. she'll definitely bring it up later.

"sorry, i was over sharing a bit. but yea, we're friends, surprisingly."

"not a problem. it's good to have someone like that. a pretty girl like you deserves that."


fuck, there's no way i'm NOT blushing right now. why did he say that? he's gotta be playing with me, right? oh god, suki's gonna put me on blast tonight.

i didn't know what to say, but was fortunately saved by shoto walking over. he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"hey kaminari. hey, y/n. ready to go?" he looked down at me. i nodded, waving goodbye to a smirking kaminari. i huffed, turning to walk home with shoto.

"no suki today? and you certainly look flustered," the boy said. i choked, blushing even more than i already was. sighing, i held onto the boy's arm.

"woah! y/n, what was that all about?" suki appeared, immediately berating me.

"i don't know. maybe he was just being nice?" i cringed. thinking back to our first class, he does seem like the bold type. not sure how i got stuck as acquaintances with someone so extroverted.

"what are you talking about? did kaminari do something to you?" not only do i have suki berating me, but now shoto's joined in.

"that didn't seem like he was just being nice. shoto, you should've seen it. y/n was blushing like crazy!" i shrunk a little as the two talked between me.

"he just called me pretty. that's all," i mumbled.


"i said he just called me pretty."

shoto choked, glaring at suki.

"aww, roki, does that make you angry?" suki teased the flustered boy. i held his arm tighter as we neared my house. the other two haven't noticed yet, i think.

"i told you to stop calling me that," shoto sighed. the two argued as we got closer. i flinched at the sudden sound of laughing, coming from the kitchen of my house. it was so loud you could hear through the window. shoto stopped to look down at me.

"i guess she's awake. will you be okay?" he asked, turning his gaze to the house.

"probably. not sure i'll get any of my homework done if she's still awake though."

"like i've said, we can always go to the cafe or something. i don't mind."

"thanks, but i'll pass. i think i'll just work on it tomorrow during homeroom and sleep for a bit, if i even can," i sighed. i let go of shoto's arm as me and suki vanished. we made our usual route through the house, up to my room. i eventually passed out, bearing through the noisy kitchen.


"oi, y/n wake up! dinner's done, eat it like a good girl," i awoke to my mom yelling at me from downstairs. i yawned, me and suki slowly going down the stairs to the kitchen. there were three empty glasses, kitchenware everywhere, and food left out from my mom cooking. on the island sat a plate with chicken, noodles and spinach.

i sat awkwardly at the table with my mom. slowly lifting the chicken to my mouth, i bit down, only to be met with raw food. i shivered, practically swallowing it whole so i wouldn't get yelled at.

"do you n~not like itt?" my mom stumbled on her words. i stared down at my plate.

"i do."

"liar. you th~ink my cooking~s bad."

"i don't."

"whatever. you sho~ould be grateful i even d~do this. you~you're a dick," she barely caught herself as she fell out of the chair, grabbed her glass, and went up to her room. i spit out the chicken left in my mouth, dumping the remains in the trash. i guess i'll just have to eat from my stash up stairs.

i cleared away the dishes and food sitting out, yawning as me and suki headed upstairs. crashing on my bed, i pulled out my phone to text shoto.


raw chicken tastes squishy. don't


A/N: another chapter done. is todoroki jealous? who knows. anyways, put one of my past experiences into this chapter. yup, i have been fed raw chicken by a drunk parent before, does not taste good. anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

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