|7| :USJ

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we've been at ua for a while now and i feel like i'm more comfortable with my class. i have more friends than i thought, and mostly get along with everyone. except bakugou.

he's a jerk and hates all of us for no reason. but he especially hates me, and i don't understand why.

he says he doesn't understand me, and that i'm a pussy. yea, i'll agree with him, but man, it still hurts.

today we're going on a field trip to the USJ. it's a building set up for rescue mission classes. there's different environments for different scenarios, where rescue missions are simulated to train students. i'm pretty excited, since rescues seem to be something i'm fairly good at.

me and shoto got off the bus and headed into the building with the rest of the class. we were greeted inside by pro hero thirteen, who was helping us today.

the pro hero explained what we were doing and what the building was used for. out of nowhere, i felt a shiver run down my spine. feeling really light headed, i grabbed onto shoto's arm for support. he glanced down at me, grabbing my arm.

"is something wrong?" he whispered.

"i don't know. i just felt really light headed and overwhelmed for some reason," i whispered back, holding a hand to my head. something felt wrong, i just don't know what it is.

"are you okay to stand?" shoto asked. i nodded, slightly letting go. he held onto my arm still for a little extra support. thirteen had finished explaining, when everyone was about to go off to the different stations.

as i turned around, i bumped into kirishima, realizing no one was moving.

"hey, are those guys part of the simulations?"

"no, they're not. how did they get in?"

at the bottom of the stairs, a horde of people were coming out of what looked like a black hole. mr. aizawa walked down the stairs towards the newcomers, as thirteen told us to stay back.

this must've been why i got so lightheaded out of nowhere. since thirteen and aizawa seem confused and on guard, they must be villains. which means we're under attack. which means we might have to fight. which means i might pass out.

i guess i was zoning out when shoto shook my shoulder, earning a flinch from me.

"come on, we're getting out of here. thirteen's orders," the boy said. i nodded as we turned to evacuate with the class, but was stopped when the black hole type thing appeared in front of us.

"sorry to interrupt your lessons, but we're searching for all might. we heard he's teaching here and thought this would be a nice place for him to take his last breath," it spoke. thirteen was about to interfere when bakugou and kirishima suddenly charged at the black hole. as everything happened, it felt like time sped up as we were all swallowed by the black hole and warped to different regions of the rescue areas.

choking as i landed on my back, i felt my eyes burn as i slowly got onto my knees. looking up. i gasped as i realized where i was.

"l/n?" i turned to see ojiro, running towards me. we were warped to the fire zone, in the building of course caught on fire. ojiro helped me stand as we took in our surroundings.

"a pretty little girl and a boy with a tail. seems fun enough," a voice muttered behind me. i spun around to find 3 villains towering over us.

"let's take the girl back as a hostage. she could make us some coin," i tried not to vomit at those words. this could literally only happen to me. being stuck in a burning building being this close to being sold on the fucking black market. for god's sake, why did i apply to ua?

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