Chapter 1 - My First Days

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I woke up shivering led on the ground in the middle of a beautiful snow covered forest. I could smell the snow mixed with the old rustic smelling pine trees. It was almost euphoric, but I soon came to realise that I didn't know where I was. It was stunning and everything; definitely photogenic but I started to freak out. I needed to find out where I was as soon as possible because I couldn't stay out here much longer. I felt like I was going to freeze to death. Next thing I know I had found a road and followed it until I reached a little town; I read the sign as I entered 'MYSTIC FALLS'. It projected towards me, you couldn't miss it even if you tried.

As I wondered the streets I couldn't help but notice there was nobody around. No people in shops, no cars driving by and there was even no animals anywhere. What is this place? And was i alone? I had so many questions racing through my head but my mind started to focus in on one thing; the fact that I am still freezing and needed to warm up.

I started looking for houses. I went to about 10 different ones banging on the doors, but no answer. The fear started to set in and I started to realise that I am actually here by myself. I continued walking down the streets when I noticed a beautiful, old fashioned yet still in fine condition mansion. Seeing as there was no one around I let myself in. It was gorgeous; it even had the grand staircase you see in movies.
I thought to myself this is where I'm going to stay. I walked to the main living room and lit the fire. I soon warmed up and decided to take a look around the home. I counted 6 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms, whoever is living or lived here must have been loving life. I would kill for a house like this.


It was dropping down dark so I decided to take up residence in the master bedroom. I fell into a deep sleep but still had my clothes on considering I didn't have anything else to wear. I knew before I got into bed that I was going to find a shop in the morning and get myself all the necessities like a toothbrush, new clothes etc.

Something woke me up in the middle of the night. I didn't know what it was but it must have been loud because I am a heavy sleeper. I brushed it off and drifted back to sleep. The next morning I smelt like garbage, but I thought to myself there is no point showering until I have clean clothes to put on after it. I looked out of the window and it was still snowing but I wasn't mad. I love the snow; it's my favourite time of the year. I went downstairs and got ready to leave. Just as I was about to walk out the door I spotted a coat. A sense of relief waved over me. "At least I'll be warmer than yesterday" I said to myself.

I arrived at the shop. It was a convenience store because that's the only one I could find that was in walking distance. As I entered I got a strong whiff of freshly baked pancakes. It made my mouth water but I needed to stick to my plan and not get distracted by the smell. I headed towards the clothes section and picked out some comfy yet stylish pieces.

 I headed towards the clothes section and picked out some comfy yet stylish pieces

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On my way out I couldn't stop thinking about the smell so I decided to go and look for the source

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On my way out I couldn't stop thinking about the smell so I decided to go and look for the source. I wondered up and down the isles until I reached the homemade cooking one where I saw a counter at the end. From where I was standing I could see the steam coming off of the pancakes. I got excited but nervous at the same time, does this mean there is someone else here with me? Am I not alone anymore? I walked over there and investigated the area including the kitchen but there was no one to be seen. Am I imagining things now? I slapped myself and mumbled "get it together". I brushed this whole situation off as a very weird coincidence. After I had got all of the things I needed, I headed back to what I now call 'my home'

When I arrived back at the house I had a well overdue shower and changed into something comfortable. I sat down with a book I had found in the library, yes this house has a library, and read it until I felt sleepy. I headed to bed and rapidly fell to sleep. I dreamed about someone coming to find me and getting me out of whatever this place is or at least finding someone in this place so I feel less lonely.

Everyday from now on was the same, eat, drink, sleep, read, and occasionally go out shopping. And it never stopped snowing. Even though I love it, the snow was starting to feel cold and I started to not really like it anymore. It's almost as if I was living the same day over and over again. I thought to myself I am going to keep a diary and keep track of what everyday is like from now on.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter

It was quite short I know, I am still learning the ropes of wattpad and this is my first story

I promise that from now on chapters should be longer. I will be aiming for at least 2000 words per chapter

Thanks for reading :)

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