Chapter 2 - So There Is Someone Here

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1 year had passed since I arrived in this place. I have decided to call it my 'oasis'. Cheesy? yes but I like it.

I have accepted the fact that I am totally alone, but I did buy a cute teddy bear to keep me company. It's not really working though.

A year ago I woke up to a loud bang in the middle of the night and recently it has happened again. I don't know what to think?!?

I'll keep you updated...

I have been keeping myself busy by reading almost every book that is in this library because otherwise I feel like I'd go insane. There are some interesting stories here though, many of them being centuries old, maybe I should buy some new ones?

It's the time of week again where I needed to go shopping so I put on my coat, because yes it is still snowing, and headed toward the store. As I entered, for the first time in a year I smelt the fresh scent of pancakes. This makes me really question whether someone is here with me or not. And my dreams are telling me that someone is. But my subconscious could be making it up to make me feel less lonely. This time when I finished my shopping, I saw a shadow of a figure walking past the isle next to me. I shouted out "who's there?" No answer. I tried again "hello can you hear me? Please answer". Nothing still. Seeing this figure gave me hope that I'd meet someone here, I wouldn't be alone and I'd have someone to talk to and spend my time with.

To my surprise, I hear someone shout from a distance "do you want some pancakes?" My heart started beating out of my chest. This is what I'd been waiting for; to see someone but I felt so nervous. "Hello I know you're there" I heard so I decided to go to them. As I got closer , I realised that I had so many questions to ask this person. I approached with caution.

"Hi" this deep manly voice sent a shiver down my spine

"Hey" I replied. I couldn't keep my eyes off of his perfectly chiselled body, his pearly white teeth and his luscious brown hair. "Man of my dreams" I thought to myself.

"Where are we?"

"In a prison world made especially for me so I don't know why or how you are here" he answered. my eyes were fixated on his bright blue ones the whole time.

"Prison world?" I questioned

"Yes it's sort of like my personal hell"

"That doesn't explain why I'm here"

"Yeah I don't know that either"

We talked for a while, getting to know each other in the process. He actually seemed pretty interesting. I got the feeling that he was leaving a few details out though which I didn't mind considering we've only just met.

"So where have you been staying" I asked with wonder

"Yeah about that, um I've kind of been staying with you"

"You've what?!"

I stormed off back to my house but just as I thought, he followed me. To be honest I'm kinda glad he did. I was getting fed up of being by myself 24/7. Don't get me wrong though, i was still mad. He had been living with me for a year and I had no clue. "He must be very stealthy" I was thinking.

"Show me" I said. "Show me where you have been staying"

He directed me to the left wing of the house, ushering me to go into a room. It was 'lived in' you could say.

"This is it, my humble abode"

"How have I not heard you or seen you?" I asked with frustration.

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