Chapter 3 - Hide And Seek

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Another day dawned here in the oasis. Kai and I had come up with a game to keep ourselves occupied so as we wouldn't go insane. Hide and seek. We played it constantly. It was actually quite fun because we hid all over the town of Mystic Falls so sometimes it would take us hours to find each other.

Kai burst into my room.

"Wakey, Wakey" he said playfully. I squinted as I tried to open my eyes.

"What time is it?" I groaned


"Why are you waking me up at 7 o'clock in the morning? I need my beauty sleep"

"No you don't, you're already beautiful"

"Uhh yeah yeah enough with the flirty comments" I said in my husky morning voice as turned over and buried my head under a pillow. Kai soon came and jumped on the bed ripping the pillow away and led down next to me.

"I said wakey wakey, that means get up out of bed" I could feel his warm breath hit my face. My eyes had closed again by this point.

"Yeah I know what it means Kai."

"Then why don't you do as your told" he slapped my face lightly causing me to jolt and open my eyes. He was inches away from my head, staring at me. I looked at him for a while then realising i was looking for way to long. He noticed this and a giant grin appeared on his face. I pointed my gaze at the blanket as I removed it from my body.

"You need to move if you want me to get up"

"No I don't. You can climb over me" he said cheerfully. I rolled my eyes.

"It's not my fault if I'm heavy and hurt you" I tired to push myself down as much as I could so I could become heavier as I crawled across him as awkwardly as possible. He scowled.


"I warned you" I said teasingly.

"Well how would you feel if I tried to crawl across you huh? You'd probably scream like a little baby, boo hoo"

"Sure I would." He took me saying this as a challenge and before I knew it he laid me down on the bed and started to crawl on top of me. He stopped while still on top of me.

"How'd you like it now? Huh?" He heard me mumbling under my breath in pain. He didn't seem bothered.

"Ok you win. You're hurting me now." An even bigger smile appeared on his face now.

"Now are you strong enough to push me off?" He chuckled.

"Seriously?" I exclaimed. "I thought you wanted me to get up."

"Yeah I did, but it can wait until you've managed to get me off the top of you and believe me I can wait all day"

"Ugh" I complained quietly. I started pushing his chest. I could feel all of his muscles. Somehow I ended up getting him off of me. I had a sigh of relief.

"Now why did you want me to get up this early for?"

"Oh yeah we are going to play a massive game of hide and seek today. we will do five rounds and whoever finds the other the fastest, all rounds added up, will have to control the other persons life for the whole day tomorrow. Do we have a deal?" He questioned with joy.

"I suppose" how could I turn him down when he is staring at me with those puppy eyes.

"Now let me get ready for the day"

"Okay" he replied. But just continued to stay sat on my bed. I looked at him with confusion as he wouldn't leave so I just decided to get ready in my bathroom instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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