Before the Time that is Now.

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Nopony's POV

"Don't look back, we'll be fine!" You said to Sunset as you along with multiple other ponies ran. Your name was Sunrise Shimmer you along with your sister are demon angel hybrids your mother was an angel and a Pegasus and your father was a Demon and a Unicorn, you are an Alicorn which was a very rare thing to have a Alicorn be born from a Unicorn and Pegasus however, your twin sister Susnet who was older by 2 seconds didn't get so lucky she was a Unicorn but despite the difference you both were treated equally and when your magics developed you were trained all the same.. today was your 6th birthday however the party was interrupted by the sounds of alarm bells ringing and in flash next thing you knew your mother and father as a final desperate attempt to save everypony sealed a powerful demon by the name Dark Night within you because you had a better chance of keeping the seal from breaking when it would usually do. "Sunrise, we won't make it to the nearest refugee spot until nightfall when its most dangerous!" You heard Sunset call out. "We're not going to the refugee spot!" You shout back as you open a portal to Celestia knows where and you jump through keeping it open for Sunset and she jumped through and next thing you both knew you were thrown out the other side and sent tumbling into a cliff with you holding Sunset close and you turning to where you took most of the impact as you cringe in pain and you both fall unconscious from exertion. The teleportation took a lot out of you especially going from what seemed a large distance and from all the running and adding up to the pain you felt was too much.

Princess Celestia's POV

I was sitting up on my throne doing my duties until I heard multiple armored hooves run down the hallway, fearing that something is attacking Canterlot I rush out but nothing was going on but a couple of guards and two medical personnel were tending to somepony and I trot over and the guards made room for me revealing two injured young fillies. "What happened to them?" I ask the nearest guard in a serious tone and the guard straightened his posture and removed his gaze from the fillies to me and spoke. "One of the men that were guarding the main entrance to Canterlot noticed these fillies laying injured and exhausted in the middle of the road he called for a messenger requesting urgent medical attention at the gate, however the medics couldn't get to the medical bay when the Alicorn filly started to move and wake up and I'm assuming that he was scared and he began fighting them hence why we're here the poor filly had to be knocked out before they could heal him properly." The guard explained in a timely manner and I nod I took interest in both of them and by the way the Guard spoke of the Alicorn something wasn't adding up but then I noticed the swords the two fillies had and thats when I realized who these young ponies were and who they belonged to.

-1 hour, 10 minutes and 15 seconds later-

Sunrise's POV (your POV)

I begin to slowly wake up again I move my left hoof to check to see if Sunset was still there with me luckily she was and I sigh snuggling to her as all the memories that happened come flooding back to me the demon attack... our parents.... the teleportation and the scuffle I had with these ponies in armour thinking we were being attacked. I started to tremble, I wanted to cry but I didn't want to wake Sunset up and cause her to worry but then I hear trotting of hooves approach and I hold Sunset protectively and I try my best to hide my fear and I make my eyes glow a purplish blue as the door begins to open and I ready for the worst. I see a tall white mare with a flowing pastel mane and tail and a crown and I swallow hard. "AH good you're awake!" The mare said, but I just continue to stare and not say anything. "You must not trust me yet, this is fine allow my to introduce myself, I'm Princess Celestia your in one of the many guest rooms in my castle located in Canterlot." The princess said as I still stayed silent. "If it gets you to trust me better, I know your parents. Nebula and Comet Shimmer." She said and that made my eyes widen. "Y-You did?" I finally spoke and she nods.

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