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 Have you ever felt like you were not good enough? Have you ever felt as if you do not fit in? Is it hard to make new friends? Have you ever felt like your opinion does not matter? If you answered yes to any of  these questions, I want  you to know that it is perfectly normal to feel this way. I cannot count on one hand how many times I have felt this way growing up. I can remember pretending to like things that the people that I hung out with liked just so that I could be included. I remember doing my hair differently and dressing differently just to get a boy to like me. If he wanted me to change then that would have not been the best relationship for me. I could have just been myself and if he liked me then cool. But if he did not like me then no big deal. I want you to understand that you never have to do anything that you do not want to do. If someone tries to pressure you into doing something that you do not want to do. Just know that the choice is yours and you can say no. If the people that you are around do not understand that you are choosing to say no, then maybe it is time for you to rethink who your friends are. If someone is truly your friend, then they will not try to pressure you. The choice is yours. Remember you have the choice to walk away.

I know that growing up has it is challenges especially today. When I was growing up, we did not have social media and cell phones. We used to write notes to each other. I remember that we also would have a notebook and take turns writing in it and talk about what was going on. We used to pass the notebook as we walked through the halls to get to our next class. Wow, how times have changed. Now if you want to know anything the information is available in an instant. All you have do is text each other or post it on social media and boom there it is. Ready for all your peers and the world to see. There is nothing wrong with texting and posting things to share with everyone. However how often do you think about what you post. Will it affect yourself or someone else in a negative way? If so, maybe it would be a good idea not to post it. Think about it, what if the shoe was on the other foot? Would you want someone to post something about you that was not positive? I know I would not want that to happen and I doubt that you would to. So be mindful of the content that you are posting about yourself and others.

How many times have you personally been involved in a disagreement over what someone has said? Have you ever witnessed an altercation because of what was said? The question is how do you handle those types of situations? For starters if someone says something that is negative about you it is up to you how you respond. Yes, I know that if someone says something mean and rude the first thing you want to do is confront them. But instead of doing that, I am asking that you think about what your response will be before you respond. That is right take just a couple of minutes and think about how a negative outcome can be prevented. When we are faced with negative issues, they do not require a negative response. You may be wondering how it can be avoided, remember you have the choice to simply walk away. Yes, that is right walk away. It is not always easy deciding to do what is right. But if you stay and argue and end up having an altercation what does that solve? Nothing, in fact by adding negative to negative you are more likely to get in trouble. You can end up getting suspended from school, get in trouble by your parents or even worse end up in a juvenile detention center. Just remember the choice is yours. Instead of arguing and fighting you can simply choose to say nothing and walk away because you know that it is not worth it. You can do this! I believe in you!

Everyone is unique in their own way. We have different skin complexions, different hair and eye colors. Some of us have long hair and some of us have short hair and some of us have well no hair.   Some people wear braces, some have gaps but there is nothing wrong with that. The point that I am trying to make is that we are all different. And because we are all different, I am asking that you do not compare yourself to others. I know that it can be hard sometimes, trust me I have been there. When you see someone who you feel is prettier than you. Or maybe it is the youtuber that has millions of followers and you feel like you just want to be like them. Know that you are amazingly you and that there is no one else like you in this whole entire world. Now I do not know about you but that is cool that there is no one else in this whole entire world like you. Can you imagine a world where everyone was the exact same? To be honest I think that it would be very boring. Just think, if we all dressed alike, had the same hair style and acted the same. I do not know about you but that is not a world that I would want to live in. We would be like robots. That is ok, I would take being different any day versus being just like everyone else. Enjoy being different, enjoy being you on person. You are amazingly you!

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