Chapter 36

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"If You Two Don't Stop Kissing, I'm Going To Kill You For Ruining Her Makeup." "Damn, Okay, No Need For Threats." 

As his Christmas gift to her girlfriend, Draco had given her 2 things. 1, a pink toad charm for her charm bracelet, and 2, a romantic evening down in Hogsmeade. The second gift she didn't find out about until Pansy burst into her dorm room, muttering something about now having enough time for preparation, and how "she'll be so gorgeous, he'll drop dead." In the Slytherin's arms was a pile of clothes, a bag full of makeup, and a small baggy of silver jewelry. These items were dumped unceremoniously onto Claire's bed, and Pansy turned to the blonde, who was watching her in confusion. The brunette clapped her hands once and nodded at Hannah, who immediately left the dorm. 

"Alright. Now..." the Slytherin tutted to herself, turning back to the mess now on Claire's bed. She began sorting through the clothes, and even opened Claire's trunk and took out a few clothing items from there. Pansy seemed to silently consult with herself, glancing occasionally in Claire's direction, before looking back to the clothes. They seemed to be arranged in outfit groups. There was a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a emerald sweater (that Claire knitted herself) paired with black combat boots. The next outfit choice was the sweater from Mrs Weasley over an emerald green satin bodycon dress paired with the combat boots. The third and final choice was a long  light brown a-line skirt (from Pansy's wardrobe) and a white button down paired with, yet again, the combat boots (Claire vetoed any kind of heels). Pansy bit her lip, thinking, before having Claire try on all three outfits. 

"Alright, the first one is a maybe. The second one, it's a no. She looks sexy, but she'll be freezing. The third one? Also a maybe." she muttered to herself, tapping her chin with her pointer finger, before finally sighing. Quickly exiting the room, she retrieved Marnie from the Common Room. 

"I need help. Outfit 1 or 3?" the Slytherin asked the older girl. Marnie frowned thoughtfully. 

"She'd be more comfortable in 1, but 3 is pretty cute on her, I see why you're struggling." the seventh year said. Pansy hummed, the both turning to examine Claire, who was beyond confused by everything but decided to just go with it. Suddenly, Marnie nodded once, rather aggressively.

"Outfit 1. She'd be cold in 3 anyways." with this, both brunettes turned to the outfits, which all laid on Claire's bed, before Pansy grabbed up the first outfit and handing it to Claire. 

"Go, change quickly. Marnie and I will be waiting out here to do your makeup and hair." she ordered. Claire simply nodded, and exited to the bathroom to change into the sweater and skinny jeans duo. Walking out of the bathroom, she modeled the outfit for the other girls. She'd tucked the front of the sweater into the pants, and that seemed to make the outfit better.

"Alright. Marnie, hair. I'll do her makeup." Pansy decided. Marnie nodded and immediately took her wand and murmuring spells and charms to curl the blonde's hair. Pansy got to work on Claire's makeup. She didn't do much, just a bit of concealer under her eyes, some eyeliner with small wings, mascara, and a nude lipstick, but it definitely looked beautiful. Marnie was done with her hair quickly, and the two brunettes took a step back from their friend, sharing a look and nodding at each other.

"Jewelry." they said in unison, which made Claire pretty scared. Who knew these two, when teamed up, could work so easily together? Pansy carefully placed the necklace Claire got from Ginny (silver snake around a gold heart) around the blonde's neck, while Marnie sorted through both Claire's and Pansy's assortment of rings to find the perfect ones. The older Hufflepuff finally decided on a silver ring that was really three rings interconnected, along with a slim ring that had a rose connecting the circle. Claire slipped these onto the fingers that they fit best (the interconnected ring onto her right thumb and the rose ring onto her left middle finger). 

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