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Meanwhile, Minho and Jeongyeon marched down the gravel trail chatting together.

"Something's different," Jeongyeon abruptly stated.

Minho kept his head down as he walked. "Yeah, the dislocated shoulder is new."

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes and said, "Boy, you know damn well that ain't what I mean. I mean something's changed. Something important." She stopped walking and set a hand on her nephew's unharmed shoulder, forcing him to look at her. "Whatever that 'something' is, I'm here if you want to talk about it, Minho. Nayeon and I love you. I know we hardly ever say it, but we care about you a lot, and we want to be part of your life, if you'll let us."

Was this what healthy communication sounded like? Minho had never once been given the option of whether he'd express his thoughts or not; his parents always either assumed they knew everything or they simply ignored him.

Screw it. Minho wasn't going to pretend he didn't want his aunts in his life. They were the people who helped him find his real home. They were the people who became his real home.

"Jeongyeon, things were bad back home," he whispered, "Worse than you can imagine. I almost always wore shoes in the house because my parents broke so much glass and neither of them would clean it up. We got the cops called at least once a week when they'd get into screaming matches..." he sniffled, his voice cracking as he continued, "Jeongyeon, they threatened to never let me see you guys or Jisung again. I don't know what I would've done. They threatened to send me to conversion therapy if I didn't break things off with Jisung."

"Break things off with Jisung?" Jeongyeon echoed, slightly confused.

Minho stared blankly. "Our friendship."

What a load of bullshit. Anyone could see that what Minho and Jisung had wasn't just friendship. "I'm gonna ask you a question," Jeongyeon began, "You don't have to answer, but I think I already know it. How do you actually feel about Jisung?" Minho hesitated, and Jeongyeon offered a soft smile. "Again, you don't need to say anything if you don't want to, just know Nayeon and I won't judge you either way."

This broke Minho. He hugged his aunt and began sobbing into her jacket. "I really like him, Jeongyeon," he wept, "I've never liked anybody the way I like Jisung, and I don't know what to do. I don't want to tell him. What if I ruin everything? I can't lose him..."

Jeongyeon held Minho as he cried. "If you love somebody, you should tell them. Even if he doesn't feel the same, it's important for you to come to terms with your feelings. But I'll let you in on a little secret: I think Jisung likes you, too. Now it's up to you whether you confirm that or not. We just want you to be happy."

"Thank you, Jeongyeon."

a/n: publishing on website instead of mobile for once and honestly ew

but mobile won't let me paste from google docs so ://

a/n: publishing on website instead of mobile for once and honestly ew but mobile won't let me paste from google docs so ://

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while writing this chapter google docs really said "skip the shy baby fluff bitch say he loves jisung" damn

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